
Fredrik Henriksson

Assistant Professor



Fredrik Henriksson, Marie Jonsson (2023) Repurposing and production - So what's the issue? Reflecting on how the production system can be affected by new circular material flows


Fredrik Henriksson (2022) Ending up at the beginning - teaching material driven design to engineering students Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Fredrik Henriksson, Kerstin Johansen, Simon Schütte (2021) Challenges when working with renewable materials: knocking on wood? International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Vol. 14, p. 1980-1987 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Fredrik Henriksson (2021) On Material selection and its consequences in product development
Fredrik Henriksson, Anna Davidsson, Jonas Detterfelt (2021) Introduction of New Materials in the Automotive Industry: A Case Study-Based Framework SAE International Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, Vol. 14, p. 99-110 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
