Photo of Gunnar Holmberg

Gunnar Holmberg

Adjunct Professor



Youshan Yu, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) Resilience in emerging complex intelligent systems: A case study of search and rescue Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol. 32, Article e12626 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Elinor Särner, Anna Yström, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) Prospective Sensemaking in the Front End of Innovation of AI Projects Research technology management, Vol. 67, p. 72-83 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Elinor Särner, Anna Yström, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) Utilizing AI in prospective sensemaking for desired futures: outlining near- and distant-future sensemaking in complex system development
Appu Balachandran, Gunnar Holmberg, Nicolette Lakemond (2024) Understanding the development of emerging complex intelligent systems Journal of engineering and technology management, Vol. 72, Article 101815 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Youshan Yu, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) AI in the Context of Complex Intelligent Systems: Engineering Management Consequences IEEE transactions on engineering management, Vol. 71, p. 6512-6525 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI