Fluid and Mechatronic Systems (FLUMES)

The Division of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems is part of the Department of Management and Engineering and carries out research and education in fluid power systems and aeronautics.


Campus de Santo André da UFABC, Brazil.

IDEAS 2024

IDEAS 2024 takes place in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil from 24-27 November 2024. The IDEAS 2024 conference is part of a longstanding collaboration between Linköping University in Sweden and Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) in Brazil.

Aeronautical students with small aircraft assembled at LiU.

The engine caught fire - but the students won the prize

Despite a number of setbacks, LiU master's students won a title in the big SAE Aero Design aviation competition in Brazil. LiU is now investing in recurring student projects aimed at competing with small, remote-controlled aircraft.

Two scientists in the hydraulic lab.

Research is needed when electricity replaces diesel

Did you think that all it takes is changing an excavator’s diesel engine for an electric one? Well, it’s not that simple. The hydraulics can actually be adapted to the many advantages of the electric engine.


Education and teaching

Fluid power systems and aircraft design

We offer courses in fluid power systems and aircraft design at both basic and advanced levels. We are the only university in Sweden that gives advanced courses in fluid power systems.

We give courses in fluid power systems and aircraft design at both basic and advanced levels to around 300 engineering students each year.

Our undergraduate courses are taken mainly by students in mechanical engineering. We provide the most comprehensive education in fluid power systems, with the possibility of specialisation at the advanced level.

It is also possible to carry out a thesis project within the subjects mechatronics, fluid power systems and aircraft design, either in a company or within our laboratory.

We are the only university in Sweden that gives advanced courses in fluid power systems.

transparent image, place holder

Doctoral studies in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is a discipline of engineering sciences based on classical mechanics. In a broader sense, it covers disciplines from product development and design engineering to construction materials and computational mechanics.


We have the largest university laboratory for fluid power systems in Sweden. Key words for our research are efficiency and system dynamics.

The characteristics of our research projects are a close connection between the fluid and mechatronic systems, propulsion systems, power transmission, actuator system, sensors and control systems. Our research philosophy is a strong combination of theory and experimental research.

We carry out research in close cooperation with industry and other research groups. Every fourth year we organise the Scandinavian Conference in Fluid Power (SICFP), one of the largest fluid power conferences in Europe.

We conduct research within three main fields

Latest publications


Abdolreza Taheri, Amy Rankka, Pelle Gustafsson, Joni Pajarinen, Reza Ghabcheloo (2025) End-Effector Cartesian Velocity Control for Redundant Loader Cranes Using Reinforcement learning IEEE Transactions on robotics, Vol. 41, p. 484-496 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Jorge Lovaco (2024) Wildfire Management as a System of Systems: Systems Engineering Considerations Using Agent-Based Simulation and Large Language Models
Amy Rankka, Alessandro Dell Amico (2024) Procedure of developing more energy efficient and electrified hydraulic systems for loader cranes FRONTIERS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING-SWITZERLAND, Vol. 10, Article 1494642 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Thomas Heeger, Stephan Wegner, Liselott Ericson (2024) Analysis of Compensation Ratios and Control Torques of an Axial Piston Pump with Rotated Valve Plates Conference Proceedings of the 2022 Global Fluid Power Society PhD Symposium (GFPS2022), p. 1-27 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Jorge Lovaco, Raghu Chaitanya Munjulury, Ingo Staack, Petter Krus (2024) Large Language Model-Driven Simulations for System of Systems Analysis in Firefighting Aircraft Conceptual Design
Youshan Yu, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2024) Resilience in emerging complex intelligent systems: A case study of search and rescue Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol. 32, Article e12626 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI



