
Joar Björk


Post-doctoral fellow in Priority setting in health care at the Swedish National Centre for Priorities in Health

My current research concerns the challenging trade-offs between on the one hand time spent on medical interventions and, on the other, time spent on communicating with patients. In Sweden, the priority setting framework demands that medical interventions be prioritised according to the patient’s need, whereas the juridical scaffolding of communicating with patient presents patients’ right to information as unconnected to (medical) need. Hence, healthcare personnel can be caught in a difficult dilemma when they have to choose between providing interventions and communicating. I aim to analyse this dilemma normatively as well as descriptively.

About me


  • Physician (specialist in internal medicine and palliative medicine)
  • Clinical ethicist
  • My PhD thesis was from Karolinska Institutet (2021) and dealt with whether patients’ responsibility for their medical condition should ever influence priority setting decisions
