Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (MEDFAK)

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences conduct research and education in medicine, nursing and public health.

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences engages in a broad range of scientific activities ranging from basic biomedical and experimental clinical research to applied clinical studies and education and research within the fields of medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, speech and language pathology, occupational therapy, medical pedagogy, and public health.


Nerve damage from cancer treatment can be predicted

Many women treated for breast cancer using taxanes, a type of cytostatic drug, often experience side effects in the nervous system. Researchers at LiU have developed a tool that can predict the risk level for each individual.

Closeup of small pieces of liver in a petri dish.

A liver biopsy may predict spread of pancreatic cancer

Microscopic changes in the liver can be used to predict spread of pancreatic cancer. The discovery may provide new ways of predicting the course of the disease and preventing pancreatic cancer from spreading to other organs.

Cell culture flask under a microscope in a lab.

They grow nose tissue in the lab

LiU researchers are among the first in the world to have grown human nasal tissue from stem cells. It is used to study how different viruses infect the airways.

Exciting research and discoveries





Postal adress

Linköping University
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
SE-581 83 Linköping

Visiting adress

Sandbäcksgatan 7, floor 1
582 25 Linköping