
Johan Lyth

Associate Professor, Docent

Mostly involved in various research projects. I have a broad competence and move between the fields of statistics, epidemiology and health economics.


A large part of my research focuses on early detection and screening in various areas of health care. I have mostly been involved in projects related to malignant melanoma, atrial fibrillation/heart failure, hip fractures and frail elderly. My expertise relates to both statistical/epidemiological issues and health economic models.

I have mostly conducted research using data from registries and healthcare databases, but have recently become more involved in the statistical work of randomized trials.

I particularly enjoy survival analysis (Cox and time-dependent Cox) and prediction (machine learning).

I am main supervisor for one PhD student and assistant supervisor for one PhD student.

About me


  • 2005 Master's degree in Business Administration, Karlstad University
  • 2006 Master's degree in Statistics, Linköping University
  • 2015 PhD, Linköping University
  • 2018 Associate Professor, Linköping University
  • 2020 Senior Lecturer, Linköping University



Caroline Blomma, Thomas Davidson, Elisabeth Wärnberg-Gerdin, Mats Bågesund, Johan Lyth (2024) Persistent oral health inequality in children-repeated cross-sectional studies in 2010 and 2019 BMC Public Health, Vol. 24, Article 3528 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Michaela Eklund, Lars Bernfort, Kajsa Appelberg, Daniel Engler, Renate B Schnabel, Carlos Martinez, Christopher Wallenhorst, Giuseppe Boriani, Claire M Buckley, Søren Zöga Diederichsen, Jesper Hastrup Svendsen, Joan Montaner, Tatjana Potpara, Lars-Åke Levin, Johan Lyth (2024) The budget impact of implementing atrial fibrillation-screening in European countries European Heart Journal, Supplement, Vol. 26, p. iv19-iv32 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Moa Lundgren, Anna Segernäs, Magnus Nord, Jenny Alwin, Johan Lyth (2024) Reasons for hospitalisation and cumulative mortality in people, 75 years or older, at high risk of hospital admission: a prospective study BMC Geriatrics, Vol. 24, Article 176 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Roger Olofsson Bagge, Rasmus Mikiver, Michael A. Marchetti, Serigne N. Lo, Alexander C. J. van Akkooi, Daniel G. Coit, Christian Ingvar, Karolin Isaksson, Richard A. Scolyer, John F. Thompson, Alexander H. R. Varey, Sandra L. Wong, Johan Lyth, Edmund K. Bartlett (2024) Population-Based Validation of the MIA and MSKCC Tools for Predicting Sentinel Lymph Node Status JAMA Surgery, Vol. 159, p. 260-268 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Carl-Jacob Holmberg, Rasmus Mikiver, Karolin Isaksson, Christian Ingvar, Marc Moncrieff, Kari Nielsen, Lars Ny, Johan Lyth, Roger Olofsson Bagge (2023) Prognostic Significance of Sentinel Lymph Node Status in Thick Primary Melanomas (> 4 mm) Annals of Surgical Oncology, Vol. 30, p. 8026-8033 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Current Research Projects

  • Riktad primärvård (frail elderly)
  • AFFECT-EU (screening for atrial fibrillation)
  • CONSIDERING AF (targeted screening for atrial fibrillation)
  • SAFE (proactive care of frail elderly)
  • AI in the context of mammography screening
  • NiH project (bisphosphonate therapy and atypical femur fractures)
  • AFRAID (bisphosphonate therapy and atypical femur fractures)
  • ABOGRAFT (local antibiotics in hip revision)
  • BIOFACTS (Bio markers for compartment syndrome)
