
Johanna Sefyrin

Associate Professor, Head of Division



Johanna Sefyrin, Ida Lindgren, Daniel Toll (2024) RPA and Robot Imaginaries in Swedish Local Government - Terminator or Colleague of the Month? ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT, EGOV 2024, p. 270-285 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Malin Granath, Johanna Sefyrin, Björn Johansson (2023) The smart meter as a boundary object-insights from an empirical case European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2023 (Conference paper)
Maria Eidenskog, Ola Leifler, Johanna Sefyrin, Ericka Johnson, Mikael Asplund (2023) Changing the world one engineer at a time - unmaking the traditional engineering education when introducing sustainability subjects International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 24, p. 70-84 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Johanna Sefyrin, Mariana S. Gustafsson (2022) Repair of Unstable Sociomaterial Relations: A Study on Librarians' and Social Workers' Practices in Addressing the Needs of Their Clients HUMAN CHOICE AND DIGITAL BY DEFAULT: AUTONOMY VS DIGITAL DETERMINATION, HCC 2022, p. 36-46 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Mariana S. Gustafsson, Johanna Sefyrin (2021) Repairment of Unstable Sociomaterial Relations: A study on librarians' and social workers' roles and practices in addressing the complex needs of vulnerable groups

