Kajsa Appelberg
PhD student
Analysis of newborn screening (PKU-test) with health economic methods is my main focus. One of the first screening programs that was established, and is an essential part of preventive care.
Screening programs are expensive, so it is important to weigh advantages and disadvantages against each other, as screening for one type of condition or disease replaces other resource utilization. Newborn screening (NBS) with the PKU-test can be described as a dynamic field that is in constant development. For example, it is analyzed whether new conditions should be added or some conditions removed from the screening programs, or if a new test method could be used to detect the conditions included in the program, and in these considerations, there is a strong need to use health economic analyzes as a foundation, which my thesis project aims to investigate. Furthermore, my research project aims to develop a method for analyzing the NBS and the uncertainties that comes with the long-time horizon of the effects that follows an individual through a life-time perspective.