
Kjell O Lejon

Professor, Head of Division

I have two major research interests: Religion and Politics in the United States; Swedish Church History.

Religion and politics in the USA and Swedish church history

Professor Kjell O. Lejon is PhD at University of California, Santa Barbara (1987), and ThD at Lund University (1988), where he is a Docent/Associate Professor in Church History.

Kjell O Lejon.
Photographer: Östsvenska Handelskammaren
Kjell O. Lejon has research interests in two major areas.

The first is religion and politics in the United States, with an emphasis on civil religion and presidential religious rhetoric. Among his published material you find monographs on Reagan and Bush Sr., as well as overviews of the role of religion in the White House (for example: Från Truman till Trump).

The second area is Swedish church history, with an emphasis on medieval and modern time.

Lejon has lectured in 12 countries, been a visiting professor in the U.S. for three years and published ca. 30 volumes along with a large number of articles.

He is the Head of History, Art History, Religious Studies.

Selected Publications



Kjell Olof Urban Lejon (2025) USA:s katoliker och presidentämbetet Signum, Vol. 1, p. 44-48 (Article in journal)


Kjell O. Lejon (2024) Så röstar kristna väljare i USA: Evangelikalerna håller på Trump. Svarta protestanter på Harris. Världen idag, Vol. 17 okt, p. 27- (Article in journal)
Kjell O. Lejon (2024) Så många är de kristna i USA.: Nästan två tredjedelar av USA:s invånare. Var fjärde evangelikal kristen Världen idag, Vol. 15 okt, p. 15- (Article in journal)
Kjell O. Lejon (2024) Så blev de kristna väljarna avgörande för USA: Tre orsaker till trons centrala plats Världen idag, Vol. 10 okt, p. 24-25 (Article in journal)
Kjell O. Lejon (2024) USA och Gud. Religionen och politiken. Förf. Karin Henriksson (2024) Svensk Pastoraltidskrift, Vol. 66, p. 22-24 (Article, book review)

