- Advanced and lightweight materials
- Nanomaterials, with a focus on graphene and carbon nanotubes
- Composite materials, including nanocomposites and fiber-reinforced polymer composites
- Environmentally friendly materials, with a passion for bio-based polymer composites
- Strong interest in materials for future energy applications

Khurshid Malik
Research focuses on polymer composite materials, investigating their mechanical strength, failure behavior, and energy absorption. Studies also explore performance under extreme conditions such as high temperatures and humidity.
Research interests
Focused on advancing Materials Science and Future Energy Solutions.

Publications at Google Scholar
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
- Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia | July 2023
- Thesis Title: A Novel Approach to Enhance the Mechanical Performance of Natural Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composites for Structural Applications.
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia | June 2018
- Thesis Title: Experimental Investigation of Biomimetic Surface Roughness Effects on a Swept-Back, Tapered NACA 4412 Wing.
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering
- The Institution of Engineers (IEI), India | December 2012
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Government Polytechnic College Jodhpur, India | May 2007"
8 years working experience as mechanical engineer in in oil and gas industry at Essar steel ltd and Air Liquide ltd in India.