Engineering Materials (KMAT)

Students, professors and researchers at the Division of Engineering Materials explore the relationships between microstructure and properties of mainly metallic materials but also ceramics, composites and polymers for engineering applications.




We are giving courses in materials science and engineering at both basic and advanced levels to around 400 engineering students each year. Since materials science is a practical subject we combine theoretical studies with hands-on exercises within our laboratory.

Our undergraduate courses are taken by students on engineering programmes:

  • Mechanical Engineering,
  • Design and Product Development Engineering,
  • Energy, Environment and Management,
  • Industrial Engineering and Management,
  • Master programme in Mechanical engineering.

It is also possible to make a thesis project within the subject Engineering Materials; either in a company or within our laboratory. Please contact Johan Moverare if you are interested.




Mohamed Sahbi Loukil, Jinghao Xu, Erik Marklund, Matthias Merzkirch, Florence Moreau, Fredrik Ohlsson (2024) Thermal and Mechanical Cycling of Thin-Ply Compositesfor Cryogenic Applications THERMAL AND MECHANICAL CYCLING OF THIN-PLY COMPOSITES FOR CRYOGENIC APPLICATIONS, p. 3-13 (Conference paper)
S. Jiang, Y. T. Li, Z. F. He, Ru Peng, Z. Hegedues, U. Lienert, N. Jia (2024) Unraveling the origin of ductility in multilayered Ti/Nb composites: role of dislocation evolution Materials Research Letters, Vol. 12, p. 903-911 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Pavel Romanov (2024) Cooling of Steel Components with Impinging Jet Quenching Technique: The Effect of Continuous and Differential Cooling on Material Properties and Microstructure

Doctoral studies

Read more about our Laboratory

News and Reportage

Two male scientists in lab.

Can sensor technology make composite pressure tanks multifunctional?

Super thin sensors that are embedded into composite pressure vessels to improve maintenance and safety. A new research project strengthening composite materials research at LiU.

Three male scientist in laboratory

The art of printing a hip bone

Being able to 3D print various products may change processes in various areas, from the manufacturing industry to healthcare.

Autumn at the Campus Valla and bikes.

Research at IEI holds a high standard

Stanford University has recently released an updated list of the top two percent most cited researchers globally, and it is gratifying to note that once again, several distinguished researchers from IEI are represented on the list.

Additive Manufacturing Conference 2025


