
Lena Sotevik




Lena Sotevik (2024) 'People need support and society needs change':vulnerability and collective agency in queer youthorganization Journal of Youth Studies (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lena Sotevik, Live Stretmo (2024) Feeling Out of Place and Creating Their Own Space: Young Queers of Colour in Sweden Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Live Stretmo, Lena Sotevik (2024) Young, Queer, Migrant, and Racialized: Intersectional Perspectives on Social Pedagogical Work in Sweden Migrant Youth, Schooling and Identity. Young People and Learning Processes in School and Everyday Life, p. 109-125 (Chapter in book)


Frida Siekkinen, Lena Sotevik (2023) "Jag är bättre på det praktiska": Förskollärarstudenters perspektiv på den akademiska utbildningen Högre Utbildning, Vol. 13, p. 17-28 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lena Sotevik, Lotta Björkman (Editorship) (2023) Normkritiska perspektiv i pedagogisk verksamhet. Förskola, fritidshem och skolan tidigare år