
Luis Ribeiro

Senior Associate Professor

I research on the development of intelligent industrial systems. I combine data modelling with artificial intelligence, to create architectures for cyber physical systems and their connected digital services, towards more sustainable production.

Backbone technologies and Industrial Cyber Physical Systems

Applied Computer Science and System Engineering with a focus on Sustainable Industrial Systems.

When we talk about industrial digitalisation there is normally a large focus on the backbone technologies. We talk about 4G, 5G, 6G, … we talk about communication protocols, clouds, data lakes, edge and fog, we talk about artificial intelligent in general. We also talk about the general development directions Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, the Millenium Development Goals, etc.

What we never talk about is that in between the backbone technologies, which are essential, and what we believe we can accomplish with them in respect to the functions and success of a interconnected industrial system, there is a largely unaddressed gap.

Backbone technologies allow us to process and transport data in increasingly better and more efficient ways. However, they do not say anything about which data should we collect and transform, how the transformed data addresses a company’s business and development goals and where to start.

In between the business and development goals and the backbone technologies there is a myriad of data models and data transformations that need to be considered. These data transformations are dynamic and are a response to the system changing conditions.

Industrial Production produces physical products in physical systems. To do so in an increasingly sustainable way all of the above is required and the gap between the backbone technologies and the business goals needs to be closed in a good way. This is what my research is about.

Industrial Cyber Physical Systems

Our job is to uncover the useful data.

I research under the umbrella term of Industrial Cyber Physical System (ICPS) to designate the next generation of modular and intelligent industrial system and their connected digital services.

Within this research line we develop reference system architectures that guide the development, implementation, and deployment of digitalised production systems that fulfill the desired business goals in different time horizons. 

Our job is to uncover the useful data and the supporting backbone technologies and integrate them to deliver value in a sustainable way.

Illustration of a workflow.Click on the picture for a lager one


Research Projects

The research in Industrial Cyber Physical Systems is very applied and most commonly done in close cooperation with Industry. Below is a list of projects where I have participated in different roles and that showcase my competencies in this research area. We team up with various industrial sectors including but not limited to: food and beverages, automotive, home appliances, OEMs, system integrators, software houses, …

Vinnova SIP PiiA - DAta-based Dynamic Food PRoductiOn ManAgement (AROMA)

Start date: 2022-09-15, End date: 2025-05-15

Project Coordinator, Pi from LiU

Vinnova P2030 Ingenjör4.0 - Uppskalning av modulariserad fortbildning för yrkesverksamma

Start date: 2021-11-01, End date: 2024-10-31

Coordinator for the LiU part, module team leader.

Vinnova SIP Produktion 2030 - A cyber-physical framework to support ultra-flexible Production (ULTRA)

Start date: 2021-11-15, End date: 2024-10-31

Project Participant, PI from LiU.

Vinnova SIP Produktion 2030 - Hållbar och flexibel automatisering av säsongsproduktion genom dynamisk resurshantering (FLAP)

Start date: 2021-04-29, End date: 2024-04-26

Project Coordinator, Pi from LiU

Vinnova SIP PiiA - AI-stödd Produktionsplanering och Processkonfigurering baserat på data om insatsvaror (AUTOREPEAT)

Start date: 2021-02-20, End date: 2021-09-20

Project Coordinator, PI from LiU

Vinnova SIP Produktion 2030 – Nya tjänster för tillverkande industri - Factory on Demand (FORD)

Start date: 2018-11-01, End date: 2019-06-30

Project Coordinator, PI from LiU

Vinnova P2030 Civilingenjör 4.0

Start date: 2017-09-15, End date: 2021-11-30

Member of the technical advisory group, coordinator for the LiU part, one of the 2 PIs from LiU, invited module developer

Vinnova P2030 Civilingenjör 4.0 PLUS

Start date: 2018-12-01, End date: 2019-07-31

Project participant, PI from LiU

H2020 Open dynamic Manufacturing Operating System for Smart Plug-and-Produce Automation Components

Start date: 2015-10-01, End date: 2019-10-31

Project participant, PI from LiU

Personal Research Grant supported by Linköping University

From 2014 to 2018

Single recipient of the grant

FP7 PRIME Project - Plug and Produce Intelligent Multi Agent Environment based on Standard Technology

Start date: 2012-11-01, End date: 2015-10-31

Project participant, Team leader of the development team on the PI’s team

FP7 IDEAS Project - Instantly Deployable Evolvable Assembly Systems

Start date: 2010-04-01, End date: 2013-06-30

Project participant, Team leader of the development team on the PI’s team

FP7 Self-Learning Project- Reliable Self-Learning Production Systems Based on Context Aware Services

Start date: 2009-11-01, End date: 2013-01-31

Project Participant on the PI’s team

National Portuguese Project - NEMO&CODED - NEtworked MOnitoring & COntrol Diagnostic for Electrical Distribution

From 2007 to 2012

Project Participant on the PI’s team

FP6 InLife Project- Integrated Ambient Intelligence and Knowledge Based Services for Optimal Life-Cycle Impact of Complex Manufacturing and Assembly Lines

Start date: 2005-11-01, End date: 2008-10-31

Project Participant on the PI’s team

FP6 EUPASS Project - Evolvable Ultra-precision Assembly Systems

Start date: 2004-11-01, End date: 2009-03-31

Project Participant on the PI’s team

Students and teachers that are solving an experiment.

Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems

Our vision as a research group is to leverage ICPS (Industrial Cyber Physical Systems) to create value for companies, society, and the environment.



Martin Birtic, Anna Syberfeldt, Luis Ribeiro (2024) Towards ultra-flexibility: a framework for evaluating the cyber-physical continuum in flexible production systems 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRY 4.0 AND SMART MANUFACTURING, ISM 2023, p. 645-654 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Anan Ashrabi Ananno, Luis Ribeiro (2024) A Multi-Heuristic Algorithm for Multi-Container 3-D Bin Packing Problem Optimization Using Real World Constraints IEEE Access, Vol. 12, p. 42105-42130 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Luis Ribeiro, Mihaela Mihnea, Christina Skjoldebrand, Anders Lareke (2024) Food Passports and Intelligent Food Recipes: The Data-Oriented Way of Producing Food Applied Sciences, Vol. 14, Article 2247 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Luis Ribeiro, Anan Ashrabi Ananno (2023) A Software Toolbox for Realistic Dataset Generation for Testing Online and Offline 3D Bin Packing Algorithms Processes, Vol. 11, Article 1909 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Luis Ribeiro, Luis Gomes (2021) Describing Structure and Complex Interactions in Multi-Agent-Based Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems IEEE Access, Vol. 9, p. 153126-153141 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
