The research questions revolve around the interface and collaboration between human and automation, sometimes on a very conceptual level, and sometimes, on a more tangible level including designing of graphical or other interfaces. Of special interest is to study what happens when the total system is subject to some kind of disturbance - that is when collaboration becomes important. The research is mostly performed in an exploratory way using simple prototypes and workshops. A central aspect is the inclusion of air traffic controllers in the process. It also includes cooperation with other domains, train control and vessel traffic service, with similar work environments and who share similar problems and issues. Hopefully, the results can provide one small part to the puzzle of how to design automation that serves us well and can be considered more like an appreciated colleague than a rather silly tool that only works when the sun shines and all everybody are happy.

Magnus Nylin
How can adaptive automation be designed to team up with humans in order to perform the air traffic control of tomorrow? This, and related questions, is what will be the focus for my PhD.
Magnus Nylin is an Industrial PhD student for the Air Navigation Services of Sweden, LFV. His main interest is in how automation can be designed to improve the total human-automation performance and how to avoid falling into classical automation traps. At LFV, Nylin works as a system engineer with expertise within validation and simulation in air traffic control.
Magnus Nylin has, with some exceptions, worked at LFV for the last two decades, most of the time within research and development projects. Combined with an educational background within air traffic control a B.Sc. in informatics, and a M.Sc. in cognitive science, it has provided the foundation for the curiosity about how technology and humans function together. The focus of the research is how to design automation that can be adaptive to the human agent, the air traffic controller, and thus enhance the human-automation collaboration.
The research questions revolve around the interface and collaboration between human and automation, sometimes on a very conceptual level, and sometimes, on a more tangible level including designing of graphical or other interfaces. Of special interest is to study what happens when the total system is subject to some kind of disturbance - that is when collaboration becomes important. The research is mostly performed in an exploratory way using simple prototypes and workshops. A central aspect is the inclusion of air traffic controllers in the process. It also includes cooperation with other domains, train control and vessel traffic service, with similar work environments and who share similar problems and issues. Hopefully, the results can provide one small part to the puzzle of how to design automation that serves us well and can be considered more like an appreciated colleague than a rather silly tool that only works when the sun shines and all everybody are happy.
The research questions revolve around the interface and collaboration between human and automation, sometimes on a very conceptual level, and sometimes, on a more tangible level including designing of graphical or other interfaces. Of special interest is to study what happens when the total system is subject to some kind of disturbance - that is when collaboration becomes important. The research is mostly performed in an exploratory way using simple prototypes and workshops. A central aspect is the inclusion of air traffic controllers in the process. It also includes cooperation with other domains, train control and vessel traffic service, with similar work environments and who share similar problems and issues. Hopefully, the results can provide one small part to the puzzle of how to design automation that serves us well and can be considered more like an appreciated colleague than a rather silly tool that only works when the sun shines and all everybody are happy.