
Magnus Willander


PhD from Royal Institute of Technology. Professor at Gothenburg University and Linköping University. Several years working in Swedish industry and abroad. Visiting professor and scientist abroad. Research interest: Nanoscience/technology for solid and soft materials.

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Nasrin Razmi, Mohammad Hasanzadeh, Magnus Willander, Omer Nur (2025) Expression of concern: Electrochemical genosensor based on gold nanostars for the detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 DNA Analytical Methods, Vol. 17, Article 1401 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Sreymean Ngok, Rem Yann, Chan Oeurn Chey, Xianjie Liu, Magnus Willander, Omer Nur (2024) Fabrication of an α-Fe2O3 NP-modified ZnO NRs/Ni-foam nanocomposite electrode for electrochemical detection of arsenic in drinking water RSC Advances, Vol. 14, p. 37725-37736 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Rem Yann, Sreymean Ngok, Xianjie Liu, Magnus Willander, Chan Oeurn Chey, Omer Nur (2024) Controlled growth of 3D CdS-branched ZnO nanorod arrays for efficient solar driven photoelectrochemical water splitting Solid State Sciences, Vol. 154, Article 107600 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Rem Yann, Sreymean Ngok, Magnus Willander, Chan Oeurn Chey, Omer Nur (2024) Controlling the thiourea for optimized growth of CdS nanorod arrays for improved photoelectrochemical water splitting Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 648, Article 127893 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sreymean Ngok, Nasrin Razmi, Elfatih Mohammed Mustafa, Xianjie Liu, Chan Oeurn Chey, Magnus Willander, Omer Nur (2024) Chemical, synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of α-Fe2O3/ZnO composite nano-heterojunction for sensing application NANO SELECT, Vol. 5, Article 2300155 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

