Marcel Jan Bertus Warntjes

Principal Research Engineer



MRI is an excellent way to visualize soft tissue in humans. The images may contain different contrasts for different tissue types so that abnormalities or pathologies can be found. MRI, on the other hand, is qualitative, there are no absolute numbers, hence the images are usually interpreted subjectively. Quantitative MRI is a new way to image patients where objective measurements are key. I work with various projects to support researchers to obtain, analyse and use these numbers.

Short texts


Founder of company SyntheticMR AB 2007

Research engineer CMIV 2005 – now (at 25%)

System Architect/ coil designer Philips Healthcare, 2001 – 2005

PhD physics at Vrij Universiteit i Amsterdam (AMOLF), 2001

Research projects

All quantitative MRI projects at CMIV. These projects are focused on brain, abdomen, heart and prostate



Rafael Holmgren, Anders Tisell, Marcel Jan Bertus Warntjes, Charalampos Georgiopoulos (2025) 3D Quantitative MRI: A Fast and Reliable Method for Ventricular Volumetry World Neurosurgery, Vol. 195, Article 123661 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Carl Edin, Mattias Ekstedt, Markus Karlsson, Bertil Wegmann, Marcel Warntjes, Eva Swahn, Carl Johan Östgren, Tino Ebbers, Peter Lundberg, Carl-Johan Carlhäll (2024) Liver fibrosis is associated with left ventricular remodeling: insight into the liver-heart axis European Radiology (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Peter Lundberg, Annelie Abrahamsson, Johan Kihlberg, Jens Tellman, Ieva Tomkeviciene, Anette Karlsson, Maria Kristoffersen Wiberg, Marcel Jan Bertus Warntjes, Charlotta Dabrosin (2024) Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid reduces local inflammation and tissue perfusion in dense breast tissue in postmenopausal women Breast Cancer Research, Vol. 26, Article 22 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Shohei Fujita, Borjan Gagoski, Ken-Pin Hwang, Akifumi Hagiwara, Marcel Jan Bertus Warntjes, Issei Fukunaga, Wataru Uchida, Yuya Saito, Towa Sekine, Rina Tachibana, Tomoya Muroi, Toshiya Akatsu, Akihiro Kasahara, Ryo Sato, Tsuyoshi Ueyama, Christina Andica, Koji Kamagata, Shiori Amemiya, Hidemasa Takao, Yasunobu Hoshino, Yuji Tomizawa, Kazumasa Yokoyama, Berkin Bilgic, Nobutaka Hattori, Osamu Abe, Shigeki Aoki (2024) Cross-vendor multiparametric mapping of the human brain using 3D-QALAS: A multicenter and multivendor study Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Marcel Jan Bertus Warntjes, Peter Lundberg, Anders Tisell (2023) Brain Parcellation Repeatability and Reproducibility Using Conventional and Quantitative 3D MR Imaging American Journal of Neuroradiology, Vol. 44, p. 910-915 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
