Per Ask

Professor emeritus. Research focus on physiological measurements, non-invasive diagnostic and monitoring methods in the cardiovascular area.

Selected positions

  • Member of the working group behind the Vinnova supported national innovation program Medtech4Health.
  • Initiator and board member NovaMedTech 2008-2016. NovaMedTech is a program with financing from the EU structural fund for supporting R&D in biomedical engineering that should result in products for industry and health care.
  • Heard and Board member, AgoraLink 2007– 2015. Program for doctoral students offering en entrepreneurial dimension of the graduate education an bioengineering courses of high strategic importance.
  • Chairman of the priority committee for Biomedical Engineering of the Swedish Research Council, 2003-2009.
  • Chairman of the Swedish Association for Medical Engineering and Physics, 2005-2006, and of its Scientific Council, 2007- 2015.
  • Awards Committee member of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering that selects persons for the Federations most distinguished honors and prizes, 2009.
  • Heading the division for Physiological Measurements focusing on biomedical engineering research in the cardiovascular area. International evaluator, Medical technology research, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, 2007.



Quentin R. Smith, Haritha Mandula, Jagan Mohan R. Parepally, Jun Oki, Fancy Thomas, Helen R. Thorsheim, Abraham J. Al-Ahmad, Thomas J. Abbruscato, Per Ask, David S. Hage, Peter J. Robinson (2024) Brain endothelial permeability, transport, and flow assessed over 10 orders of magnitude using the in situ brain perfusion technique Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, Vol. 21, Article 100 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Per Ask, Sture Hägglund, Nils-Erik Pettersson, Jan Olsson (2024) Sponsored senior computers never happened - a 20-year perspective on ICT deployment of healthcare at home! Health and Technology, Vol. 14, p. 1097-1101 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Arash Gharehbaghi, Inger Ekman, Per Ask, Eva Nylander, Birgitta Janerot-Sjoberg (2015) Letter: Assessment of aortic valve stenosis severity using intelligent phonocardiography International Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 198, p. 58-60 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Björn Wandel, Nils-Erik Pettersson, Per Ask (2015) Certification of Clinical Engineers in Sweden
Arash Gharehbaghi, Magnus Borga, Birgitta Janerot Sjöberg, Ask Per (2015) A novel method for discrimination between innocent and pathological heart murmurs Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 37, p. 674-682 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
