Department of Biomedical Engineering (IMT)

Within the department, we develop technical solutions to improve diagnostics and treatment in healthcare and to promote health. We equip engineering students with tools to meet and solve current and future challenges in the health sector.

IMT is the first department of biomedical engineering in Sweden and has focused on both research and education in this field since its inception. We co-founded the national conference Medicinteknikdagarna.

The main areas of our research are biomedical image science, biomedical modelling and informatics, biomedical optics and neuroengineering. We have strong multidisciplinary teams that include engineers, clinical and preclinical researchers, and industrial partners.
The research addresses issues relevant to both the healthcare sector and society at large. We maintain extensive national and international interdisciplinary research networks and collaborations.


Our research fields include optical techniques to investigate and image microcirculation in the skin and brain, diffusion MRI, functional MRI, automated body composition analysis, deep learning-based analysis of radiology and digital pathology images, deep brain stimulation, navigation and monitoring in brain surgery, digital twins and systems biology, as well as hybrid methods that combine machine learning with mechanistic models.

Welcome to BME@LiU 2025!

Research fields in biomedical engineering

News at IMT

19 November 2024

Diplomas to New Docents at TekFak

Thirteen researchers at Linköping University have advanced in their academic careers by becoming associate professors (docents) at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

The image consists of two parts: four sections views of a brain on the one side and fous sections of another brain on the other side

26 April 2024

Synthetic images can save a lot of time in healthcare

AI makes it possible to quickly and accurately mark areas to be eliminated with radiation when treating cancerous tumors. But due to lack of medical data to train AI models with, attempts are underway to train models with synthetic medical images.

Info graphics with illustrations showing how local updates are being sent from the hospitals to a cloud. The cloud sends a new global modell to the hospitals. The trained model gives personal healthcare.

16 April 2024

Developing medical AI without sharing sensitive information

Sharing sensitive data, such as images of brain tumor patients, is complicated. This makes development of AI models for medical image analysis challenging. LiU researchers shows how such models can be trained without sharing sensitive information.

Undergraduate education at IMT

We educate bachelor level engineers and master level engineers. This is done both through the degree program in biomedical engineering as well as in collaboration with other engineering programs. The proximity to the hospital allows for field trips, demonstrations and laboratory work in clinics. Experts from the hospital are often hired as lecturers in their areas of expertise. 

Biomedical Engineering, Master's Programme, 120 credits

This programme combines fundamental concepts and knowledge in engineering, biology, and medicine to develop innovative technologies, materials, processes, and systems, with the aim of improving healthcare.

Doctoral studies in Biomedical Engineering

Postgraduate studies at the Department of Biomedical Engineering are characterized by their multidisciplinary profile, where research and education takes place at the meeting place of medicine and technology. The aim of postgraduate education is to provide broader and deeper knowledge within the field of medical technology and specific knowledge in the dissertation field, as well as providing research experiences and skills in research methodology.

Divisions at IMT

Contact us

Department management



Postal address

Linköping University

Department of Biomedical Engineering

581 83 Linköping


Visiting address

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Building 462, entrance 71 or 65, 11th to 13th floor

Building 006, entrance 54, 11th floor

University Hospital Campus

How to find us

IMT has its premises at University Hospital Campus. Our administration as well as the majority of our researchers are located in building 462. The easiest ways to find us are via the University Hospital Campus main entrance (entrance 65), entrance 71 (IMT's parking), entrance 54 (Hugo Theorells torg) or entrance 69 (clinical pathology).

Entrance 65

Walk past Deli Marché on the left and follow signs for IMT down the stairs. When you get to the lower floor follow the corridor straight ahead until it divides. You will then find stairwells and lifts to IMT directly on your left.

Entrance 71

Enter the corridor through the doors to the left immediately after the entrance. When the corridor divides you find stairwells and lifts to IMT on your right.

Entrance 54

Directly on your right take the stairs down one floor, go straight ahead in the corridor named "Cellgången". Soon you will see lifts to IMT on your left.

Entrance 69

Go up the ramp and then take the spiral staircase up one floor to floor 8. From here take left in the corridor marked "Kulvert till övriga sjukhuset". Go straight ahead until you see lifts to IMT on your right.

Building 006, entrance 54

Our neuroengineering researchers can be found in house 006. The easiest way to get to them is via entrance 54 at Hugo Theorells torg. Go straight ahead and then left through the IT department's premises. Follow signs for "IMT, Neuroteknik".

Interactive map with search function

Departmental board