
Peter Hult

Senior Research Coordinator

In my role as a research coordinator, I work primarily with collaboration with the surrounding community locally as well as nationally. I also devote a part of my service to union issues.

About me

Cooperation at the Department of Biomedical Engineering

To increase collaboration with the surrounding community, I work closely with other actors in the field of medical technology such as healthcare, business, innovation systems etc. Through a wide network and participation in the national SIO program Medtech4Health, I manage collaborations on a national scale.

Union work at the Department of Biomedical Engineering

I have assignments as a member of the SACO Council's Board of Directors and as a union representative in the Lokal Cooperation Group, LSG, at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, IMT. I also have assignments as a workplace safety representative at IMT.



Linda Rattfält, Maria Lindén, Peter Hult, Per Ask, Magnus Borga (2013) Robust Heart Beat Detector Based on Weighted Correlation and Multichannel Input: Implementation on the ECG recorded with textile electrodes International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, Vol. 4, p. 61-71 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Per Ask, Kristina Ekstrand, Peter Hult, Maria Lindén, Nils-Erik Pettersson (2012) NovaMedTech - a regional program for supporting new medical technologies in personalized health care Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 177, p. 71-5 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Peter Hult (2010) NovaMedTech - Innovationer för morgondagens vård genom samverkan med vård, akademi och industri
Nils-Erik Pettersson, Per Ask, Kristina Ekstrand, peter Hult, Maria Lindén (2010) NovaMedTech - En satsning på att ny medicinsk teknik i Östra Mellansverige
Arash Gharebhaghi, Peter Hult (2010) Graphic User Interface for Heart Sound Signal Analysis

