Petter Källström
Research Engineer
I am a cheerful research engineer who loves my job where I can be active, meet lots of exciting people and where I also can develop within the width of the entire division
As a research engineer I am assisting during practical purposes in the department's research and I am supervising thesis projects.
I am also supporting the teachers in the regular education.
Markus Tran, Oscar Gustafsson, Petter Källström, Kamil Senel, Erik G Larsson, An Architecture for Grant-Free Massive MIMO MTC Based on Compressive Sensing, CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE 2019 FIFTY-THIRD ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS & COMPUTERS, Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers, pp. 901-905, IEEE (2019)
Carl Ingemarsson, Petter Källström, Fahad Qureshi, Oscar Gustafsson, Efficient FPGA Mapping of Pipeline SDF FFT Cores, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) Systems 25:2486-2497 (2017)
Petter Källström, Oscar Gustafsson, Fast and Area Efficient Adder for Wide Data in Recent Xilinx FPGAs, 26th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, Field Programmable Logic and Applications, International Conference on, pp. 338-341, IEEE, Lausanne (2016)
Mario Garrido Gálvez, Petter Källström, Martin Kumm, Oscar Gustafsson, CORDIC II: A New Improved CORDIC Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II - Express Briefs 63:186-190 (2016)
Petter Källström, Mario Garrido Gálvez, Oscar Gustafsson, Low-Complexity Rotators for the FFT Using Base-3 Signed Stages, APCCAS 2012 : 2012 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, pp. 519-522, IEEE, Piscataway, N.J., USA (2012)