I hold a Ph.D. in Ethics and specifically been working within feminist bioethics and medical humanities and methodologically I often engage with empirical ethics. During the last years I have been involved in several interdisciplinary projects drawing on theoretical perspectives such as intersectionality, phenomenology and theories in social science such as biomedicalization.
During 2024/2025 I am involved in two of the subprojects in the research project called “Biomedicine, Clinical Knowledge, and the Humanities in Collaboration: A Novel Epistemology for Radically Interdisciplinary Health Research and Policy-Work on Post-Covid-19 Syndrome” (funded by The Swedish Research Council).
In one of the sub-projects post-COVID fatigue is examined through engaging neuroscience perspectives (neurology, neuroradiology, neurobiology), rehabilitation medicine, and phenomenological philosophy in dialogue.
In another sub-project we examine post-Covid-19 syndrome as a diagnosis and how different stakeholders (such as patients, relatives, health care personnel at postcovid-units, and other interest organizations and state authorities) make sense of the diagnosis and we combine clinical, socio-cultural, ethical and philosophical analyses. In this subproject we have a specific theoretical focus on how social categories of race/ethnicity, gender, class, age and their intersections are enacted in relation to post-covid.
I also have a long-standing research interest in ethics at the beginning and end of life. I am currently working on a research project on the ethical aspects of ‘serious illness conversations,’ a new communication form within healthcare (connected to the Center for Collaborative Palliative Care, Linnaeus University). Additionally, I am developing a project on normative spectrums and epistemological frames in the care of children born extremely preterm.
I teach courses at graduate, postgraduate and PhD-level in areas such as bioethics; qualitative research design, methods and analyses, as well as ethics and religion.