
Sofia Morberg Jämterud

Assistant Professor, Head of Unit

My research is within ethics and I have specifically been working within feminist bioethics and medical humanities and methodologically I often engage with empirical ethics.

Academic interest and research

I hold a Ph.D. in Ethics and specifically been working within feminist bioethics and medical humanities and methodologically I often engage with empirical ethics. During the last years I have been involved in several interdisciplinary projects drawing on theoretical perspectives such as intersectionality, phenomenology and theories in social science such as biomedicalization.

During 2024/2025 I am involved in two of the subprojects in the research project called “Biomedicine, Clinical Knowledge, and the Humanities in Collaboration: A Novel Epistemology for Radically Interdisciplinary Health Research and Policy-Work on Post-Covid-19 Syndrome” (funded by The Swedish Research Council).

In one of the sub-projects post-COVID fatigue is examined through engaging neuroscience perspectives (neurology, neuroradiology, neurobiology), rehabilitation medicine, and phenomenological philosophy in dialogue.

In another sub-project we examine post-Covid-19 syndrome as a diagnosis and how different stakeholders (such as patients, relatives, health care personnel at postcovid-units, and other interest organizations and state authorities) make sense of the diagnosis and we combine clinical, socio-cultural, ethical and philosophical analyses. In this subproject we have a specific theoretical focus on how social categories of race/ethnicity, gender, class, age and their intersections are enacted in relation to post-covid.

I also have a long-standing research interest in ethics at the beginning and end of life. I am currently working on a research project on the ethical aspects of ‘serious illness conversations,’ a new communication form within healthcare (connected to the Center for Collaborative Palliative Care, Linnaeus University). Additionally, I am developing a project on normative spectrums and epistemological frames in the care of children born extremely preterm.


I teach courses at graduate, postgraduate and PhD-level in areas such as bioethics; qualitative research design, methods and analyses, as well as ethics and religion.



Sofia Morberg Jämterud, Anna Bredström, Kristin Zeiler (2025) Guest Editorial: Medical Humanities and COVID-19/Post-COVID-19 Challenges Journal of Medical Humanities (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sofia Morberg Jämterud, Anna Bredström, Kristin Zeiler (2025) Guest Editorial: Medical Humanities and COVID-19/Post-COVID-19 Challenges Journal of Medical Humanities (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Kristin Zeiler, Sofia Morberg Jämterud, Anna Bredström, Anestis Divanoglou, Richard Levi (2024) A Qualitative Phenomenological Philosophy Analysis of Affectivity and Temporality in Experiences of COVID-19 and Remaining Symptoms after COVID-19 in Sweden Journal of Medical Humanities (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sofia Morberg Jämterud, Lisa Guntram, Kristin Zeiler (2024) The Centre for Medical Humanities and Bioethics, Linköping University. The importance of encounters between the medical humanities and bioethics Acta Bioethica, Vol. 30, p. 155-157 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sofia Morberg Jämterud (2024) Mellanrummets sorg Liv, tro och tolkning: En festskrift till Cristina Grenholm, p. 71-78 (Chapter in book)

