
Tobias Trofast

Senior Coordinator

Developer, Digital Pedagogical Tools at the Digitalisation Division.


In my work, I strive for LiU to provide both teachers and students with appropriate digital solutions and learning environments for teaching and learning.

Digital and technical solutions for both teaching and learning are a reality in almost all forms of education. The offerings are almost endless which makes it difficult to know what is the right solution for your subject, your teaching, your learning.

In my work, I want to help those who teach at LiU to find the right solution for them, a solution that facilitates teaching and learning and is perceived as frictionless and helpful by both teachers and students.



Tommie Nyström, Tobias Trofast (2013) Factors that improve examination of student degree projects


Tobias Trofast, Dag Haugum, Jonas Lundberg, Victoria Nygren, Tommie Nyström, Gary Svensson, Maria Thunborg, Tomas Törnqvist (2012) Utveckling av examination av examensarbeten på kandidatnivå 3:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, p. 11-16 (Conference paper)