
Ulrika Ådén


Professor in pediatric medicine and specialist in neonatology at the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences.


Latest publications in LiU DiVA


Erik Wejryd, Giovanna Marchini, Peter Bang, Baldvin Jonsson, Ulrika Ådén, Thomas Abrahamsson (2025) Neurodevelopment and Growth 2 Years After Probiotic Supplementation in Extremely Preterm Infants: A Randomised Trial Acta Paediatrica (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Brynhildur Tinna Birgisdottir, Tomas Andersson, Ingela Hulthen Varli, Sissel Saltvedt, Ke Lu, Farhad Abtahi, Ulrika Ådén, Malin Holzmann (2025) Changes in short-term variation of antenatal cardiotocography to identify intraamniotic infection: a historical cohort study The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, Vol. 38, Article 2434059 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


L. Fernandez de Gamarra-Oca, D. Nosko, H. Kvanta, L. Brostrom, M. Strindberg, J. Svoboda, N. Canto Moreira, N. Ojeda, L. Zubiaurre-Elorza, M. Ortqvist, N. Padilla, Ulrika Ådén (2024) Motor predictors of cortical brain development and full-IQ in children born extremely preterm with and without discrete white matter abnormalities Brain Structure and Function, Vol. 230, Article 18 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lina Brostrom, Lexuri Fernandez de Gamarra-Oca, Hedvig Kvanta, Maria Ortqvist, Nelly Padilla, Ulrika Ådén (2024) Being born extremely preterm with low-grade intraventricular haemorrhage had no impact on brain volumes or neurodevelopment in later childhood Acta Paediatrica (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Christian Gadsboll, Lars J. Bjorklund, Mikael Norman, Thomas Abrahamsson, Magnus Domellof, Anders Elfvin, Aijaz Farooqi, Lena Hellstrom-Westas, Stellan Hakansson, Karin Kallen, Erik Normann, Fredrik Serenius, Karin Savman, Petra Um-Bergstrom, Ulrika Ådén, David Ley (2024) Centralisation of extremely preterm births and decreased early postnatal mortality in Sweden, 2004-2007 versus 2014-2016 Acta Paediatrica (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


