Call 112 to come in contact with the ambulance service, police, rescue services/fire services, poisons information centre, or on-call doctor. Do not hang up the call until instructed to do so.
For inforamtion regarding different emergency situations, please check the headlines at the left side.
All operations must have established routines on how to react to a fire or other emergency situation. These routines must be adapted to individual operations and premises. Help with the establishment of such routines can be obtained from the headlines to the left.
Reporting and follow-up of accidents and incidents (near-accidents), see Accidents and incidents.
In case of emergency
SOS Alarm: 112 (or through the switchboard at LiU on 0112)
Defibrillators in case of cardiac arrest from Campus Security
Campus Valla and US: +46 (0)13 28 2010
Campus Norrköping: +46 (0)11 36 3010
For all other issues, the phone number for the Campus security: +46 (0)13 28 58 88. This number can also be found on the back of your LiU card.
The Swedish poisons information centre
Dial 112 in case of emergency poisoning and ask for Poison Information. For less urgent questions dial +46 (0)10 456 6700.