In case of serious personal injury - call 112!

Short instructions on how to give first aid in different situations are available by using the links below. Read the instructions to prepare yourself on how to respond to an accident.

Cardiac arrest and Automated External Defibrillators (AED)

Campus security service at LiU may assist in emergency situations for example in case of a sudden cardiac arrest, they are trained in first aid and have portable Automated External Defibrillators (AED).

In the event of suspected cardiac arrest, call both 112 and the campus security service at:

  • campus Valla och US: +46(0)13 28 2010
  • campus Norrköping: +46 (0)11 36 3010

Guidance and links

Provisions about First aid and crisis support, AFS 1999:7Eng, from the Swedish work environment authority

About first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), through Liunet (login required)

The Swedish poisons information centre

Short instructions


Try to give the victim fresh air as quickly as possible. Then allow him/her to rest in a semi-seated, comfortable position. It may be important to keep the victim warm if he/she is pale or in a cold sweat.

If the victim is unconscious or shows impaired awareness, organise transport to the hospital. Place him/her in the recovery position or perform CPR if necessary. Inhaled gas may be dangerous to the person performing the rescue breathing element of CPR. Vulnerable workplaces should be equipped with a Ruben Bladder. Individuals exposed to nitrous gases (nitrogen oxides) must always be taken to hospital.

Electric shock

Cut off the power supply by pulling the plug or shutting down the supply to the cable. If this is not possible, try to pull the injured person away from the electrical source without touching their bare skin.

Try to pull them by their clothes or use some other insulating material to push the injured person away from the electrical source. Extinguish any fires in their clothes or hair. If the injured person is unconscious ring 112.

Always contact medical care in cases of electric shock!

Skin contact

If corrosive, irritating or allergenic substances come into contact with someone's skin, rinse off as soon as possible.

Relevant workplaces must be equipped with an emergency shower. If considerable amounts of hazardous chemical with skin or on the clothes, occurs, shower with the clothes still on and then remove them while showering. The same goes for watches, rings and shoes.

Toxic substances can also enter the body via the skin so it is vital to rinse them off.

Short instructions continuation


In many cases it may be best to cause vomiting, especially as concerns toxic metals or arsenic. Rinse the mouth afterwards.

There are, however, some exceptions - in cases of corrosive substances, 1-2 glasses of water or milk should be drunk. And for low viscosity petroleum compounds (petrol, lighter fluid, lamp oil), drink milk or preferably cream or cooking oil if possible to do so without risk of vomiting.

In cases of hazardous chemicals or if the victim shows symptoms of special problems, contact 112 immediately, ask for Poison Information. You can call the Poison Information directly at if you have questions concerning non-acute poisonings.

Splashes in the eyes

Flush with water or special buffer solution. Eye wash equipment must be available at relevant workplaces. Hold the eyelids apart with your fingers, use gloves if the substance is toxic or corrosive. Help the victim to flush long enough.

In cases of strong acids and bases, flush for at least 15 minutes and then transport the victim to the hospital. Special buffer bottles for eye rinsing should be used during transportation to hospital. For substances classed as irritants - flush for approximately five minutes. For other substances approximately half a minute.

Always remove any contact lenses a short time after flushing has commenced.

Bleeding and circulatory failure

Keep the part of the body that is bleeding in a high position and put pressure directly on the wound so that bleeding decreases. Have the injured person lie down with his/her legs in an elevated position.

Place a pressure bandage on the wound with the gauze face of the pressure cushion against the bleeding wound. Check that the bleeding has stopped. If it bleeds through the bandage, put on more bandages but let the original one remain in place.

If the individual shows the following signs: anxiety, pale, clammy skin, rapid, weak pulse, complains of thirst, is cold, shivering, rapid and shallow breathing it’s a sign of circulatory failure (shock), which may be life threatening. Prevent circulatory failure by stopping the bleeding and if possible have the injured person lie down with his/her legs in an elevated position, put a blanket or clothes below and on top of the person to prevent chilling. Never give them anything to drink!

If circulatory failure occurs, contact 112 immediately. Stop the bleeding, prevent chilling, stay with the injured person until help arrives.