Here is a presentation of second and third cycle courses given for IFM's doctoral students. 

As a rule of thumb, you register for a course via link in the syllabus. If link for registration is missing in the syllabus, email the course responsible.

Any questions about the courses are best answered by the course responsible.

The list below contains all the courses given at IFM, please check if the course you are interested in is given VT (Spring term) or HT (Autumn term), or both.

Information about rutines and processes for PhD students at IFM can be found at the intranet.

Academic year 2024/2025

General courses HT 24

6FIFM05 Science education for postgraduate/doctoral students, 3 hp (compulsory course)

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at


Course Introduction and Seminar 1: Monday 9th September 15.15-17.00. Room HOLKEN (Biology Department)
Read chapter 3 from the book, write a short synopsis addressing the “Questions for reflection” section and submit via LISAM (Assignment 1) before the Seminar.

Seminar 2: Monday 23rd September 15.15-17.00. Room HOLKEN (Biology Department)
Read chapter 4 from the book, write a short synopsis addressing the “Questions for reflection” section and submit via LISAM (Assignment 2) before the Seminar.

Lecture: Monday 7th October 15.15-17.00. Room HOLKEN (Biology Department)
Lecture on Alternative Conceptions and information on the final course assignment (Assignment 4).

Seminar 3: Monday 4th November 15.15-17.00. Room HOLKEN (Biology Department)
Read chapter 5 from the book, write a short synopsis addressing the “Questions for reflection” section and submit via LISAM (Assignment 3) before the Seminar.

Final Course Seminar 9th December 13.15-17.00. Room HOLKEN (Biology Department).
Write your alternative conceptions assignment (Assignment 4) and prepare an oral presentation from it. The oral presentation (10 min plus questions) should briefly summarized the alternative conception and the way you plan to address it. Submit your assignment via LISAM before the date for the Final Course Seminar.

Course responsible

6TFFK01 Fundamentals for PhD Studies in Science and Engineering, 6 hp (compulsory course)

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM57 Introduction to the use of MATLAB in research, 3 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM25 Gender-awareness for teaching assistants at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, 1 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Materials science HT24

6FIFM78 Surface Analysis by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, 3 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Transient Spectroscopy Techniques for Probing Light-Matter Interaction, 6 hp


Background Description

Time-resolved spectroscopic techniques are powerful tools that are utilized to unravel intricate photo-physical and molecular processes as light interacts with matter. This course will provide a fundamental understanding of the photophysics of optoelectronic materials and related molecular systems probed by appropriate transient spectroscopic techniques. The spectroscopy methods that will be examined cover the time scales from femto- to milli-seconds having energies from micro- to kilo-electronvolts.

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of light absorption in initiating ultrafast and fast molecular processes in organic and inorganic optoelectronic materials and related molecular systems.
  • Explain the fate of photo-induced species of the materials investigated depending on its ground state condition and characteristics of the irradiating light.
  • Describe the appropriate light sources and detection systems required for specific phenomena that one desires to probe.
  • Discuss the conduct of time-resolved experiments, analyze, and interpret possible photo-physical phenomena from data gathered.
  • Critically evaluate conclusion against present accepted theories and literature results.

Target audience

PhD students in Physics, Materials Chemistry, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering and other fields related to development of photovoltaic materials and devices.

Course Contents


  • Theoretical background of light-matter interaction and spectroscopy.
  • Fundamental concepts of lasing, types/classification of lasers, source, detector.
  • Time-resolved Visible Spectroscopy (absorption and emission)
  • Time-resolved Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy
  • Time-resolved GHz and THz spectroscopy
  • Time-resolved X-ray Diffraction and Scattering
  • Other advanced and emerging transient spectroscopic techniques, e.g. time-resolved microscopy, multi-dimensional spectroscopy and time-resolved electric field induced second harmonic spectroscopy.

Study visit

  • FemtoMAX, MAX IV, Lund – time-resolved X-ray diffraction
  • Division of Chemical Physics, Lund University – laboratories of transient absorption, single molecule and complex molecular spectroscopy


Homework on literature review to be presented in class (3 ECTS)
Student seminar on their own spectroscopic data from current research (3 ECTS)
Grade: Pass/Fail (6 ECTS)

Language: English
Note: Attendance in all lectures/seminars is required.

Ponseca, C. S., et al., Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Solar Energy Conversion, Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 10940−11024.

Contact Information:
Carlito S. Ponseca Jr.
Gulf University for Science & Technology

Course responsible

Carlito JR S Ponseca

6FIFM02 Semiconductor for Solar Energy Conversion, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM38 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Specimen Preparation Methods in Materials Science, 3 hp

October-November 2024. For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM93 Modern Optics, 6 hp

Start week 36. For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFMA0 Thin Film Optics and Polarized Light, 3 hp

Start week 38. For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM26 Thin Film Analysis by X-ray Scattering, 5 hp

Second half of the fall 2024 with part I (theory). For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

TFYM03 Nanophysics, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM71 Thin film deposition technologies for semiconductor component fabrication, 6 hp

Course information

This course is intended for Ph D students (and other interested, such as master students and post docs) who in some way work with some sort of thin films deposition such as CVD, ALD, PVD, ECD etc. or just want to broaden their view on thin film deposition and semiconductor manufacturing. The course will cover the major applications of thin film deposition techniques used in high volume production world today such as:


  • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
  • Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
  • Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
  • Electrochemical Deposition (ECD)
  • Spin on Dielectrics (SOD)
  • Reactive Ion Etching
  • Atomic Layer Etching

The focus is on the use of thin film following manufacturing:

  • 300 mm leading edge wafer manufacturing for Logic, DRAM and 3DNAND chips
  • Niche & emerging memory technologies like :
    • spin-transfer torque MRAM (STT-MRAM)
    • Resistive RAM (ReRAM)
    • Ferroelectric FET (FeFET) and RAM (FRAM)
    • Cross-Point memory
  • Other wafer-based manufacturing:
    • Photovoltaics
    • MEMS
    • Power Electronics (Si, GaN and SiC)
    • RF, LED/μLED, Optical
  • Brief overview of related non-wafer-based manufacturing
    • Flat Panel Display
    • Lithium Battery (EVs, Mobile)
    • Parts and powder coating
    • Medical / Pharma / Healthcare

    The course will be based on recent research by Jonas Sundqvist as a consultant to the semiconductor industry and experience from running a start-up in the electronics industry. All reading material and other course material will be available in a shared OneDrive folder.

    Lecture schedule

    Lectures are 2x 45 min, 15 min break / Q&A

    1. Overview of thin film processing technology in 300 mm leading edge wafer manufacturing for Logic, DRAM and 3DNAND chips
    2. Associated processing in semiconductor wafer manufacturing: Lithography, Etch, Clean, CMP and Metrology
    3. Semiconductor fabs and wafer processing equipment
    4. Thin film materials roadmaps for Logic, DRAM and 3DNAND chips
    5. Other wafer-based manufacturing
    6. Overview of related non-wafer-based manufacturing
    7. Examination assignment: Definition of the examination assignment (see below)
    8. Examination seminars. January 2024. 15 min presentation to the course members of the examination topic.

    The course will be examined by an assignment due as a presentation given to the course during January, 2024. Each course participant to pick one of the following topics that is to be presented to the course members and the examiner (Jonas Sundqvist).


    PowerPoint (or equivalent program), approx.10 slides, 15 min

    1. Make an assessment of how your own research can be implemented into high volume manufacturing of semiconductor components or associated electronics and
      technologies as described during the course. The more detailed scope and plan will be made with the examinator.
    2. Make a materials and thin film technology roadmap for the next 10 years for any of the applications studied in the course. Identify current state of the art and future
      challenges and propose solutions:
      1. 300 mm leading edge wafer manufacturing for Logic, DRAM or 3DNAND chips
      2. Niche & emerging memory technologies like:
        1. spin-transfer torque MRAM (STT-MRAM)
        2. Resistive RAM (ReRAM)
        3. Ferroelectric FET (FeFET) and RAM (FRAM)
        4. Cross-Point memory
      3. Photovoltaics
      4. MEMS
      5. Power Electronics (Si, GaN and SiC)
      6. RF, LED/μLED, Optical
      7. Flat Panel Display
      8. Lithium Battery (EVs, Mobile)
      9. Parts and powder coating
      10. Medical / Pharma / Healthcare

      The examination presentation will be peer reviewed during the ending seminars, in which active participation is mandatory.

Course responsible

Jonas Sundqvist

6FIFM10 Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM88 Introduction to scanning electron microscopy, 4.5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM83 Seminars on Analytical Techniques in Materials Science, 3 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM62 Micro- and Nanophotonics, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Applied physics HT24

TFYA37 Soft condensed matter Physics, 6hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM72 Supramolecular chemistry, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

TFTB48 Biomedical Materials, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

TFTB33 Microsystems and Nanobiology, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

TNE104 Organic Electronics 2, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM28 Photoelectron spectroscopy and its applications, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Theory and modelling HT24

6FIFM09 Advanced Bioinformatics, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

TFYA36 Chaos and Non-Linear Phenomena, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Group theory in physics, 6 hp


Course description

The course will give an avenue of the application of group theory in physics.

There will be 12-14 lectures in a form of 2 hour seminars or lectures depending on the participants. The course will start with abstract groups and representation theory. Then
we will discuss finite and continous groups in the quantum mechanics of atoms, molecules and solids.

The last lecture will focus on spacetime symmetries and symmetries in particle physics.

Course Books

  1. Group theory and Quantum Mechanics by Michael Tinkham
  2. Group theory in Physics – A Practicioner’s Guide by by Rutwig Campoamor Stursberg and Michel Rausch de Traubenberg


Course responsible

NBID75 Modelling of Biological Systems, 9 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFMA2 Population Ecology: Theories and Applications, 7.5 hp

October 2 - November 1. For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFMA1 Fundamental Principles in Theoretical Physics, 2 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Chemistry HT24

6FIFM42 Biomolecular disease processes, 6 hp

Start November 4. For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM87 PhD Chemistry seminar series, 3 hp

The scope of the course is to enable PhD students in different subclasses of chemistry to put their own science into a broader perspective and to discuss science from a field of chemistry that is more distant from their own research questions. The purpose of the Chemistry seminars is to get to the core of the science performed at the chemistry department and to give opportunity for discussion in depth.

The Chemistry seminar series is open for anyone to attend but the speakers are mainly researchers at the chemistry department at IFM, Linköping university and invitation is
directed towards the Chemistry department. We have in total 8 seminars per year. At each occasion we have two presentations. The first presentation will be given by a PhD student or postdoc, the second presentation will be given by a senior/PI. The aim is that the two presentations at one seminar should be from different fields/research groups within the chemistry department. The presentation should be 15 minutes and then 5 minutes for questions. The material presented can either be an introduction to a project that is about to get started, preliminary data from “work in progress” or a completed paper. You can also present a procedure or technique that you think more people at the department should learn and benefit from.

The outline of the talk should resemble that of a Journal paper. Start with an introduction to let the audience know why your work is important. Present your data at a level that is
comprehensive to members of your own group and to the groups interested/experts in your field. Discuss your data and provide some concluding remarks. Perhaps you want to tell the audience what the future plans for the project are. Finally, leave the paper open for discussion.

PhD students are encouraged to ask questions to both senior and junior presenters. Attendees that are not PhD students (or temporary guests at the seminar) are asked to save their
questions forafter the seminar.

To be credited 3 hp, the PhD candidate shall attend 75% of the seminars during the 4 years of PhD studies and give a presentation on at least one occasion. Some will be lucky enough to be given two opportunities to present their work.

The seminars take place 8 times a year, normally first Monday of the months February, March, April, May, September, October, November, December.

Examiner: Sofie Nyström

Course responsible

6FIFM48 Chemical Bonding, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

TFKE37 Biological Measurement, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Biology HT24

NBID73 Methods in Ecology, 7.5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

NBID70 Stress and Animal Welfare, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

NBID71 Applied Ethology, 7.5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM91 Behaviour Genetics, 7.5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

PhD Biology seminar series, 10 hp

All PhD students in Theoretical Biology, jointly with the students from Biology, should attend the PhD seminar series in order to acquire an overview of the research field of
biology and to actively participate in the seminar series for PhD students. Active participation consists of presenting one’s own seminar each academic year as well as actively engaging in other seminars. Completion of the seminar series gives 10 ECTS (5 ECTS for Degree of Licentiate).

Course responsible

VT (Spring term) 2025

General courses VT25

6FIFM05 Science education for postgraduate/doctoral students, 3 hp (compulsory course)

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6TFFK01 Fundamentals for PhD Studies in Science and Engineering, 6 hp (compulsory course)

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at


Day 1:1 2025-01-21 10:00-16:00 
Day 1:2 2025-01-22 10:00-16:00 
Day 1:3 
(PhD students sign up for one of the time slots) 2025-05-21 9:00-12:00 
2025-05-22 9:00-12:00 
Module 2 (teacher: Ola Leifler) 
Day 2:1 2025-02-06 09:00-16:00 
Day 2:2 2025-02-27 09:00-16:00 
Module 3 (teacher: Ericka Johnson) 
Day 3:1 2025-03-10 9:15-16:00 
Day 3:2 2025-03-11 9:15-16:00 
Module 4 (teacher: Elin Palm) 
Day 4:1 2025-04-03 10:15-12:00 
Day 4:2 2025-04-10 10:15-12:00 
Day 4:3 2025-04-24 10:15-12:00 

Course responsible

0FIEI05 Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice, 7,5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM11 Scientific publishing, 3 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Materials science VT25

TFYM04 Growth and characterization of nanomaterials, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM03 Optoelectronics, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM76 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), 6 hp

February – April 2025.  For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM37 Thin Film Analysis by X-ray Scattering, part II (laboration), 4 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

TFYA21 Materials science, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials for High Power Devices, 7.5 hp

Aim of the course

This course is intended for Masters and PhD students in the area of material science, semiconductor materials and devices. The aim of this course is to give an introduction of
different wide bandgap semiconductor materials (SiC, GaN, AlN, Ga2O3, diamond etc…) suitable for high power electronic devices, challenges in material growth technologies,
different device structures and applications.

Intended learning of the course includes
  • Understanding of the fundamental properties of wide bandgap semiconductors essential for high power devices.
  • Comparison of different wide bandgap semiconductors and their status compared to standard Si technology.
  • Semiconductor crystal growth technologies and their limitations.
  • Obtain basic knowledge of the most important power devices (unipolar and bipolar) their applications.


The course will be given in the form of lectures/seminars, one per week. Exam will be in the form of home assignments and project seminars (total number of seminars depend on the number of students). Final assessment will be made on the base of home assignments and project seminars.

Course contents

  • Categories of high-power electronic devices, basic principle of operation, advantages/disadvantages and major applications.
  • Impact of energy efficient high-power devices on energy savings.
  • Introduction of wide bandgap semiconductor materials and their fundamental properties and transport physics.
  • Influence of crystal defects on charge transport.
  • Crystal growth of wide bandgap semiconductors and technological limitations.
  • Current status of wide bandgap semiconductor technologies and future trends.

Course responsible

Applied physics VT25

6FIFM48 Biosensor Technology, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM51 Chemical sensor systems, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Guillem Domènech-Gil

6FIFM40 Practical Electrochemistry, 6 hp

April 2025.

Course responsible

TNE103 Organic Electronics 1, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM86 Raman spectroscopy for soft matter and bioanalysis, 4 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFMA3 Infrared spectroscopy, 4 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Theory and modelling VT25

6FIFM22, Quantum mechanics I, 7.5 hp

March-May 2025. For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM33 Electronic Structure Theory, 7.5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM49 Solid state physics II, 7.5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Computational Systems Biology, 5 hp / 3 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFMA8Density Functional Theory, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFMA1 Fundamentals in Theoretical Physics, 2 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Chemistry VT25

6FIFM74 Protein Chemistry, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

NKED26 Molecular synthesis, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

NKED82 Biomolecular design

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

NKED20 Drug Discovery and Pharmaceutical Development

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM87 PhD Chemistry seminar series, 3 hp

The scope of the course is to enable PhD students in different subclasses of chemistry to put their own science into a broader perspective and to discuss science from a field of chemistry that is more distant from their own research questions. The purpose of the Chemistry seminars is to get to the core of the science performed at the chemistry department and to give opportunity for discussion in depth.

The Chemistry seminar series is open for anyone to attend but the speakers are mainly researchers at the chemistry department at IFM, Linköping university and invitation is
directed towards the Chemistry department. We have in total 8 seminars per year. At each occasion we have two presentations. The first presentation will be given by a PhD student or postdoc, the second presentation will be given by a senior/PI. The aim is that the two presentations at one seminar should be from different fields/research groups within the
chemistry department. The presentation should be 15 minutes and then 5 minutes for questions. The material presented can either be an introduction to a project that is about to get
started, preliminary data from “work in progress” or a completed paper. You can also present a procedure or technique that you think more people at the department should learn and benefit from.

The outline of the talk should resemble that of a Journal paper. Start with an introduction to let the audience know why your work is important. Present your data at a level that is
comprehensive to members of your own group and to the groups interested/experts in your field. Discuss your data and provide some concluding remarks. Perhaps you want to tell the audience what the future plans for the project are. Finally, leave the paper open for discussion.

PhD students are encouraged to ask questions to both senior and junior presenters. Attendees that are not PhD students (or temporary guests at the seminar) are asked to save their
questions forafter the seminar.

To be credited 3 hp, the PhD candidate shall attend 75% of the seminars during the 4 years of PhD studies and give a presentation on at least one occasion. Some will be lucky enough to be given two opportunities to present their work.

The seminars take place 8 times a year, normally first Monday of the months February, March, April, May, September, October, November, December.

Course responsible

6FIFM90 R Programming for Analytical Environmental Chemistry, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

Biology VT25

NBID77 Ecological Applications in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 7.5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

NBID78 Case studies in conservation and sustainable development, 7.5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

NBID60 Zoo Biology, 7.5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Course responsible

6FIFM92 Primate Ethology, 9 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at 6FIFM92 Primate Ethology - Forskarstudieinfo, Linköpings universitet (

Course responsible

PhD Biology seminar series, 10 hp

All PhD students in Theoretical Biology, jointly with the students from Biology, should attend the PhD seminar series in order to acquire an overview of the research field of
biology and to actively participate in the seminar series for PhD students. Active participation consists of presenting one’s own seminar each academic year as well as actively engaging in other seminars. Completion of the seminar series gives 10 ECTS (5  ECTS for Degree of Licentiate).

Course responsible

Academic year 2023/2024

General courses

6FIFM05 Science education for postgraduate/doctoral students, 3 hp (compulsory course)

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6TFFK01 Fundamentals for PhD Studies in Science and Engineering, 6 hp (compulsory course)

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Embracing your PhD and Postdoc studies, 1,5 hp

Leadership Principles and Agile Management, 6 hp

Course description

Specific information

This is an engineering course designed for PhD students, but suitable also for post-docs and other professionals who wish to acquire leadership and management skills to improve their work performance, and get ready for their next step, which can either be a career development in academia or a transition to industry. Not only scientists and engineers, but also any other professionals are most welcome, due to the intuitive and easy-to-follow approach to the subject.

Entry requirements

To be admitted to this course, the participants should have completed an MSc degree.


Aside from understanding some engineering terminology, no specific prerequisites are needed.

Learning outcomes

Regardless of your specific career goals and experience level, there is an increased need of talented professionals able to lead teams and exceed goals. From identifying key problems and building team dynamics to innovating complex solutions and setting objectives, leaders and Agile project managers are key players in any corporate structure that thrives on efficiency, productivity, problem solving, and decision making.

After completing this course, you should be able to accelerate and improve decisions by learning Agile’s facilitating leadership principles to unleash productivity, motivation, problem solving, and strategic thinking. Therefore, you should be able to:

  • Make better and faster decisions
  • Increase self-motivation and productivity
  • Improve time management and problem solving
  • Use negotiation styles and techniques
  • Manage conflicts
  • Work more effectively in and as teams
  • Develop emotional intelligence (EQ) skills for improved performance at work

Course content

In this course, you will acquire versatile and popular elements of leadership and Agile project management by combining the field’s primary methodologies and tactics. This course will serve as a professional training to enter the job market better prepared after the end of your PhD studies. This one-stop resource for getting started will prepare you to ace the first exams for the world-renowned Project Management Professionals (PMP) certification. Leadership is a key skill for any role, independent of the position or type of job you have or are looking for. Agile project management is an innovative approach, very different from traditional project management, that companies – both in Sweden and abroad – are more and more adopting. Old-style of command-control is now belonging to the past, except for the most conservative organizations. Agile takes self-empowerment to new levels and challenges traditional beliefs in what leadership means.

In this course, you will learn about:

  • Self-empowerment and motivation enhancement to gain better decisions
  • Getting things done, ensuring success
  • Delivering on time and on budget
  • Negotiation styles and techniques across individuals and teams
  • Managing bias through mindfulness and emotional intelligence (EQ)
  • Facilitation of creativity and inclusivity for a high-functioning team
  • Identification and management of decision-making processes

Teaching and course organisation

This course combines lectures, seminars, and tutorials with practical exercises, study aids, prep tips, discussion forums, and other longer-term engagement from students with the purpose of creating an active learning environment and meaningful student interaction, supported by sustained, freewheeling conversation. The class hours will be alternated with remote activities in a way that gives the students greater control of their own schedule and priorities, more freedom to reflect and respond with deeper thinking, and more sophisticated arguments than is possible in a classroom setting. Course participants are expected to be mature students willing to learn new skills and contribute to building a community of future leaders.

Textbook and course materials

The course literature will be provided during the course to registered participants.


The course is examined based on an active participation at the proposed learning activities as well as through assessment of the individual assignments. The final examination task will be in the form of a presentation or short essay.

Marking scale

Pass / Fail

Course leader/examiner

Donatella Puglisi, IFM,




The course is structured in 14 sessions during eight weeks, for a total of 30 hours plus about 130 hours for self-study. The teaching and learning sessions will include group activities, skills training, and individual assignments. Active participation is expected each time through group discussions, games, assignments, mini-presentations, feedback, and other activities mixing theory and practice.

The planned activities will be carried out on campus or remotely (live streaming) depending on participants’ needs and circumstances.

Additional information

This course is designed especially for PhD students at the later stage of their studies who wish to enter better prepared the job market and acquire new knowledge and skills in the perspective of their future career development. The course is conducted in a manner where both men's and women's experience and knowledge are made visible and developed.

The course is limited to 24 participants. PhD students have priority. Seats will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis.

6FIFM57 Introduction to the use of MATLAB in research, 3 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FMAI07 Nonlinear optimization, equations and least squares, 9 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at 6FMAI07 Nonlinear Optimization, Equations and Least Squares - Forskarstudieinfo, Linköpings universitet (

Course responsible


6FIFM25 Gender-awareness for teaching assistants at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, 1 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Intellectual property as a business tool, 3 hp


The course will provide knowledge in: 

  • IPR: Patent, trademark, design, and copyright, with a focus on patent 
  • Teachers exception from the patent rules regarding employment (Lärarundantaget) 
  • Databases and patent comparison 
  • Licensing 
  • Company IPR Management 
  • Patent as a tool in your business, company and research 

Participants will gain: 

  • Increased knowledge regarding patents and how and when to file for a patent.
  • Understanding of how patents are used to start a new company and how they are used within an existing company.
  • Knowledge regarding the value of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) and the impact in society IPR has.


The focus is on business and patents, and the course will provide an increased knowledge of when to file for a patent and when not to file, and also how to gain a better business effect from your patents. Further, the course content will examine closely related rights and provide a picture of Swedish company history from a patent viewpoint. Branding management and development will also be discussed.

Recommended for

The course is primarily focused for PhD students and Postdocs, but all researchers are welcome. Maximum number of participants is 20.


The course comprises seminars/workshops, home work and home assignments. The students will be given two assignments and work in small groups of 2-3 students. The topics are listed below. Completed assignments will be presented in writing, and orally at the last two workshops. 

  • Assignments 1: Chose a successful patent and discuss the patent, scope of protection, the inventor, the company and how the business developed around the patent. 
  • Assignments 2: “Create” one idea, (e.g. from your research or elsewhere) and make a search in patent databases, compare with your findings and discuss patentability.

Planned 6 workshops will comprise the following topics: 

  • Patent - why and how, effects, costs
  • Licensing - pitfalls, checklist
  • Trademark, design, laws of marketing - registration, branding
  • Patent claims and content of application - scope of protection and its connection to a market or need
  • Presentation of assignments (2 workshops) 

Course responsible

Arne Jacobsson LiU, Patent Adviser LiU Innovation/Lead.

Arne has previously worked as Patent Attorney, IPR Coordinator in Swedish and US industry and Tech transfer officer at University California at Berkeley. 


Examiner for the course is Professor Magnus Klofsten, IEI.


Participating in workshops, completed homework and assignments.


3 hp


Before applying for a course, you should always consult your supervisor/PI. Applications to Deadline for application is Jan 25, 2024. 

Dates and time

Six Wednesday mornings from 8:30 to 12:00.
2024: 7 Feb, 14 Feb, 21 Feb, 28 Feb, 6 March, 13 March, and please allocate 27 March in reserve. 

Materials science courses

6FIFM78 Surface Analysis by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, 3 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

TFYA21 Physical Metallurgy, 6 hp

Theoretical methods in Materials Physics for experimentalists, 6 hp

6FIFM40 Practical Electrochemistry, 6 hp

Scope and purpose

The significance of electrochemistry in today’s society is unquestionable as it has been used in a wide range of important technological applications. One of major application of electrochemistry can be seen in energy devices such as batteries and fuel cells which are essential not only in storing energy for portable devices and electric or hybrid electric vehicles, but also can serve as an electricity reservoir for large grids. Electrochemistry is also being used for production and destruction of materials using electrodeposition and corrosion methods. 

The objective of the course is to help the students with the basic understanding of electrochemistry and its various experimental techniques. This course also provides insights of electrode kinetics, ion transport mechanism, electrode materials and various electrochemical energy storage devices. The goal of the course is to give students and researcher specially beginner basic and advance knowledge of complex electrochemical processes in simplified way. The course is prepared for students and researchers from different backgrounds such as material science, medicine, chemistry, physics and electronics.

Part 1: Basics of electrochemistry (VG) 
Thermodynamics and electrochemistry

Part 2: Experimental techniques (MV)
2.1. Electrochemical experiments
2.2. Electrodes
2.3. Pulsed techniques
2.4. Voltammetry
2.5. EIS
2.6. Microelectrodes, RDE

Part 3: Electrode kinetics (MV, VG)
3.1. Double layer
3.2. Faradaic reactions
3.3. Tafel slopes and exchange currents
3.4. Overpotentials
3.5. Electrocatalysis in energy conversion
3.6. Mass transport limitation
3.7. Hydrodynamic electrodes

Part 4: Ionic transport and membranes (SL)
4.1. Transport of ions – general, Diffusion and migration, Conductivity and mobility, Osmosis and electroosmosis in membranes, Size and ion selectivity in membranes; Nanochannel conduction phenomena; Diffusion polarization
4.2. Characterization and types of membranes
4.3. Membrane applications

Part 5. Discussion

Part 6: Electrochemical devices: batteries and supercapacitors (ZK)
7.1. Batteries, supercapacitor and pseudocapacitor
7.2. Ragone plot, specific capacity, specific energy, specific power, ESW
7.1.3. Charge storage mechanism in batteries and supercapacitors
7.4. Advanced rechargeable batteries: An overview

Part 7: Electrochemical devices: fuel cells and electrolyzers (MV)
8.1. Fuel cell principles and types
8.2. Fuel cell performance
8.4. Principles, types and performance of hydrogen electrolyzers
8.5. RFB

Part 8: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS): Basics (MV)

Part 9: Electrode materials (UA)
5.1. Carbon materials: activated carbon, Graphite, Graphene, CNT.
5.2. Conducting polymers.
5.3. Redox charge storage.

Part 10. Q&A

Examination: Oral, one by one

Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials for High Power Devices, 7,5 hp


This course is intended for Masters and PhD students in the area of material science, semiconductor materials and devices. The aim of this course is to give an introduction of different wide bandgap semiconductor materials (SiC, GaN, AlN, Ga2O3, diamond etc…) suitable for high power electronic devices, challenges in material growth technologies, different device structures and applications.

Intended learning of the course includes
  • Understanding of the fundamental properties of wide bandgap semiconductors essential for high power devices.
  • Comparison of different wide bandgap semiconductors and their status compared to standard Si technology.
  • Semiconductor crystal growth technologies and their limitations.
  • Obtain basic knowledge of the most important power devices (unipolar and bipolar) their applications.


The course will be given in the form of lectures/seminars, one per week. Exam will be in the form of home assignments and project seminars (total number of seminars depend on the number of students). Final assessment will be made on the base of home assignments and project seminars.

Time plan

The course will run through Feb-March 2024.

Course contents

  • Categories of high-power electronic devices, basic principle of operation, advantages/disadvantages and major applications.
  • Impact of energy efficient high-power devices on energy savings.
  • Introduction of wide bandgap semiconductor materials and their fundamental properties and transport physics.
  • Influence of crystal defects on charge transport.
  • Crystal growth of wide bandgap semiconductors and technological limitations.
  • Current status of wide bandgap semiconductor technologies and future trends.

Email to register, before the end of this year.

6FIFM02 Semiconductors for Solar Energy Conversion, 6 hp

Course Description

This course focuses on the fundamentals of semiconductor for understanding photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion. It is designed for the PhD students and other students such as master students who are interested in this field.

The course will cover the following topics
  • Introduction of Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Solar Energy Conversion
  • Energy Bands and Carrier Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium
  • Carrier Transport Phenomena
  • Semiconductor p-n Junction and Schottky junction
  • Semiconductor Solar Cell
  • Principles of Photoelectrochemical Solar Energy Conversion


The course will be based on some book chapters, mainly from S.M. Sze, “Semiconductor Devices, Physics and Technology”, 2nd edition.


Before each lecture, you will get an assigned text to read. At the start of each lecture, there is a pre-lecture quiz around 15 minutes on the content of the upcoming lecture.
After each lecture, a set of home assignments will be given. The home assignment will be handed in at the latest at the start of the next lecture.
There will be no written exam. But the final grade (pass) will be given based on how well you performed in the continuous quizzes, homework assignments and discussions in the course. Thus, the participation and discussions would be mandatory.

Time Plan

The course is planned for 6 weeks from Oct to Nov, 2023 (one lecture per week).


Please send email to Jianwu Sun no later than Oct. 1, 2023.

Modern Optics PhD course, 6hp and Modern Optics ½, 3 hp

Modern optics (module I-IV) 6 points and Modern optics ½ (module II&III) 3 points

Modern Optics is master/advanced level course (TFYA97, 6hp) containing the four modules:
I. Wave Optics, II. Materials Optics, III. Polarization Optics, and IV. Ray & Particle Optics.
The course is also offered to PhD students in two versions.

Modern Optics (module I-IV)

corresponds to the full master course and gives 6 points. In this version you will get short repetitions of the most common treatments of optics (the wave-, and ray-, and particle models) followed by more advanced aspects of these. A large part of the course is dedicated to materials optics and polarization optics.
Scheduled: From the end of August to the end of October (see below for details).
Organization: 16 tutorials and 4 Q&A sessions, 2 guest lectures, 2 assignments and 2 laboratory work sessions. Literature: Eugene Hecht, Optics (5e) & Hans Arwin, Thin Film Optics and Polarized Light (7e, caeruleus)
Examination: Approved assignments and laboratory work. Attendance at guest lectures. A written home exam.
(Continuous examination during the course can give bonus points to use at the written home exam).

Modern Optics ½ (module II&III)

corresponds to half of the master course and gives 3 points. This version contains the materials optics and polarization optics modules and is a suitable if you are most interested in materials aspects and the spectroscopic ellipsometry technique.
Scheduled: From mid-September to mid-October (see below for details).
Organization: 8 tutorials and 2 Q&A sessions, 1 guest lecture, 1 assignment and 1 laboratory work session Literature: Hans Arwin, Thin Film Optics and Polarized Light (7e, caeruleus)
Examination: Approved assignment and laboratory work. Attendance at guest lecture. A written home exam.
(Continuous examination during the course can give bonus points to use at the written home exam).


Course responsible: Kenneth Järrendahl
Tutorials, Q&A: Roger Magnusson, Hans Arwin, Kenneth Järrendahl + guest lecturers
Labs: Roger Magnusson

Course syllabus (A time plan will be provided when the schedule is published):

Intro (Kenneth Järrendahl)

Module I. Wave Optics (Kenneth Järrendahl)
Tutorial 1: Ia. Interference
Tutorial 2: Ib. Diffraction
Tutorial 3: Ic. Fourier optics
Tutorial 4: Id. Coherence
Q&A 1: Ia-Id Guest lecture I | Lab 1: I. Coherence and Fourier imaging

Module II. Materials Optics (Roger Magnusson/Hans Arwin)
Tutorial 5: IIa. Optical response
Tutorial 6: IIb. Dispersion models
Tutorial 7: IIc. Inhomogeneous materials
Tutorial 8: IId. Layered structures
Q&A 2: IIa-IId (Roger Magnusson)
Guest lecture II | Assign 1: II. Drude Model

Module III. Polarization Optics (Roger Magnusson/Hans Arwin)
Tutorial 9: IIIa. Polarized Light
Tutorial 10: IIIb. Polarizing materials and components
Tutorial 11: IIIc. Analytic methods
Tutorial 12: IIId. Plane waves in complex media
Q&A 3: IIIa-IIId
Guest lecture III | Lab 2: III. Spectroscopic ellipsometry

Module IV. Ray & Particle Optics (Kenneth Järrendahl)
Tutorial 13: IVa. Aberration and third order theory
Tutorial 14: IVb. Variational and transformation optics
Tutorial 15: IVc. From waves to particles
Tutorial 16: IVd. From particles to rays
Q&A 4: IVa-IVd Guest lecture IV | Assign 2: IV. Achromatic doublet

Outro (Kenneth Järrendahl)

6FIFM88 Introductory course in Scanning Electron Microscopy, 4,5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6TFIFM76 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) course, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM38 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Specimen Preparation Methods in Materials Science, 3 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Thin film deposition technologies for semiconductor component fabrication, 6 hp

Course information

This course is intended for Ph D students (and other interested, such as master students and post docs) who in some way work with some sort of thin films deposition such as CVD, ALD, PVD, ECD etc. or just want to broaden their view on thin film deposition and semiconductor manufacturing. The course will cover the major applications of thin film deposition techniques used in high volume production world today such as:

  • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
  • Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
  • Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
  • Electrochemical Deposition (ECD)
  • Spin on Dielectrics (SOD)
  • Reactive Ion Etching
  • Atomic Layer Etching

The focus is on the use of thin film following manufacturing:

  • 300 mm leading edge wafer manufacturing for Logic, DRAM and 3DNAND chips
  • Niche & emerging memory technologies like :
    • spin-transfer torque MRAM (STT-MRAM)
    • Resistive RAM (ReRAM)
    • Ferroelectric FET (FeFET) and RAM (FRAM)
    • Cross-Point memory
  • Other wafer-based manufacturing:
    • Photovoltaics
    • MEMS
    • Power Electronics (Si, GaN and SiC)
    • RF, LED/μLED, Optical
  • Brief overview of related non-wafer-based manufacturing
    • Flat Panel Display
    • Lithium Battery (EVs, Mobile)
    • Parts and powder coating
    • Medical / Pharma / Healthcare

The course will be based on recent research by Jonas Sundqvist as a consultant to the semiconductor industry and experience from running a start-up in the electronics industry. All reading material and other course material will be available in a shared OneDrive folder.

Lecture schedule

Lectures are 2x 45 min, 15 min break / Q&A

  1. Overview of thin film processing technology in 300 mm leading edge wafer manufacturing for Logic, DRAM and 3DNAND chips
  2. Associated processing in semiconductor wafer manufacturing: Lithography, Etch, Clean, CMP and Metrology
  3. Semiconductor fabs and wafer processing equipment
  4. Thin film materials roadmaps for Logic, DRAM and 3DNAND chips
  5. Other wafer-based manufacturing
  6. Overview of related non-wafer-based manufacturing
  7. Examination assignment: Definition of the examination assignment (see below)
  8. Examination seminars. January 2024. 15 min presentation to the course members of the examination topic.


The course will be examined by an assignment due as a presentation given to the course during January, 2024. Each course participant to pick one of the following topics that is to be presented to the course members and the examiner (Jonas Sundqvist).


PowerPoint (or equivalent program), approx.10 slides, 15 min

  1. Make an assessment of how your own research can be implemented into high volume manufacturing of semiconductor components or associated electronics and technologies as described during the course. The more detailed scope and plan will be made with the examinator.
  2. Make a materials and thin film technology roadmap for the next 10 years for any of the applications studied in the course. Identify current state of the art and future challenges and propose solutions:
    1. 300 mm leading edge wafer manufacturing for Logic, DRAM or 3DNAND chips
    2. Niche & emerging memory technologies like:
      1. spin-transfer torque MRAM (STT-MRAM)
      2. Resistive RAM (ReRAM)
      3. Ferroelectric FET (FeFET) and RAM (FRAM)
      4. Cross-Point memory
    3. Photovoltaics
    4. MEMS
    5. Power Electronics (Si, GaN and SiC)
    6. RF, LED/μLED, Optical
    7. Flat Panel Display
    8. Lithium Battery (EVs, Mobile)
    9. Parts and powder coating
    10. Medical / Pharma / Healthcare

The examination presentation will be peer reviewed during the ending seminars, in which active participation is mandatory.

Course responsible

Jonas Sundqvist,

6FIFM89 Plasma physics for thin film processes, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Transient Spectroscopic Techniques for Probing Light-Matter Interaction

Background Description

Time-resolved spectroscopic techniques are powerful tools that are utilized to unravel intricate photo-physical and molecular processes as light interacts with matter. This course will provide a fundamental understanding of the photophysics of optoelectronic materials and related molecular systems probed by appropriate transient spectroscopic techniques. The spectroscopy methods that will be examined cover the time scales from femto- to milli-seconds having energies from micro- to kilo-electronvolts.

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of light absorption in initiating ultrafast and fast molecular processes in organic and inorganic optoelectronic materials and related molecular systems.
  • Explain the fate of photo-induced species of the materials investigated depending on its ground state condition and characteristics of the irradiating light.
  • Describe the appropriate light sources and detection systems required for specific phenomena that one desires to probe.
  • Discuss the conduct of time-resolved experiments, analyze, and interpret possible photo-physical phenomena from data gathered.
  • Critically evaluate conclusion against present accepted theories and literature results.

Target audience

PhD students in Physics, Materials Chemistry, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering and other fields related to development of photovoltaic materials and devices.

Course Contents


  • Theoretical background of light-matter interaction and spectroscopy.
  • Fundamental concepts of lasing, types/classification of lasers, source, detector.
  • Time-resolved Visible Spectroscopy (absorption and emission)
  • Time-resolved Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy
  • Time-resolved GHz and THz spectroscopy
  • Time-resolved X-ray Diffraction and Scattering
  • Other advanced and emerging transient spectroscopic techniques, e.g. time-resolved microscopy, multi-dimensional spectroscopy and time-resolved electric field induced second harmonic spectroscopy.

Study visit

  • FemtoMAX, MAX IV, Lund – time-resolved X-ray diffraction
  • Division of Chemical Physics, Lund University – laboratories of transient absorption, single molecule and complex molecular spectroscopy


Homework on literature review to be presented in class (3 ECTS)
Student seminar on their own spectroscopic data from current research (3 ECTS)


Pass/Fail (6 ECTS)

Language: English
Note: Attendance in all lectures/seminars is required.


Shimoda, K., Introduction to Laser Physics, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986.
Ponseca, C. S., et al., Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Solar Energy Conversion, Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 10940−11024.

Course responsible

Carlito S. Ponseca Jr.

Gulf University for Science & Technology


Applied physics courses

6FIFM51, TFMT19 Chemical Sensor Systems, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM48, TFTB34 Biosensor Technology, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

TFYA30 Supramolecular Chemistry, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

TFTB48 Biomedical Materials, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

TFTB33 Microsystem technology, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM28 Photoelectron Spectroscopy and its applications: an introduction, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Theory and modelling courses

6FIFM22 Quantum mechanics I, 7,5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM47 Quantum mechanics II, 7,5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Statistical and Thermal Physics I, 7,5 hp

This is the first part of an introductory graduate course in Statistical and Thermal Physics with the emphasis on the basic concepts in equilibrium statistical physics and its connection to classical thermodynamics.

Part I of the course gives 7.5 ECTS credits. A second part is scheduled for the spring 2024. The formal prerequisite to attend the course is an undergraduate course in statistical and thermal physics. However, this can be discussed.


The textbook is Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, Author: Frederick Reif. It is published under several different ISBN numbers including ISBN: 978-1-57766-612-7.


This first part of the course will cover approximately chapters 2 - 8 in the textbook and thus cover:

  • Statistical description of systems of particles
  • Statistical thermodynamics
  • Macroscopic parameters and their measurement
  • Simple applications of macroscopic thermodynamics
  • Basic methods and results of statistical mechanics
  • Simple applications of statistical mechanics
  • Equilibrium between phases or chemical species.


There will be 10 lectures of two hours each. Wednesdays 10:15-12:00, in Laplace N323.


The mandatory homework problems are chosen to illuminate the theory and to make it easier to understand the theory in itself as well as how it can be applied. There will be
roughly four homework problems for each of thechapters 2 - 8. A list will gradually appear below.


To pass on the first part of the course all mandatory homework problems should be solved correctly before amandatory oral exam. The deadline for the oral exam will be early in
the spring 2024. An exact date will be published here later.

Statistical and Thermal Physics II, 7,5 hp

6FIFM49 Solid State Physics I, 7,5 hp

6FIFM49 Solid State Physics II, 7,5 hp


The course is a continuation of the Solid State Physics course (Part I), however, you can attend even if you did not take Part I.

The main textbook is "Solid State Physics" by N.W. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin. Main focus will be on the description of atomic vibrations in crystals (phonons and anharmonism), defects, introduction into magnetism and superconductivity (Chapters 21, 22, 23, 25, 30, 31, and 34 + lecture notes).


Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics


To get 7.5 points you will need to pass a written exam based on the problem solving.

You can participate in person, on Zoom, or even in a self-study mode (self-reading of the textbook + lecture notes), if you manage to solve the problems.

Please send me an email if you are going to participate online to receive the Zoom-link and/or if you want to receive Lecture notes. You get the problems, which you will need to solve to pass the course, during the lectures or in lecture notes sent by email if you miss the lectures.

PhD Seminar Series, 10 hp

PhD- seminar series course joint for Biology and Theoretical Biology 10 ECTS 

All PhD students in Theoretical Biology, jointly with the students from Biology, should attend the PhD seminar series in order to acquire an overview of the research field of biology and to actively participate in the seminar series for PhD students. Active participation consists of presenting one’s own seminar each academic year as well as actively engaging in other seminars. Completion of the seminar series gives 10 ECTS (5 ECTS for Degree of Licentiate).

Theoretical Ecology 1 - Population Ecology, 3 hp

The course is based around the book An Illustrated Guide to Theoretical Ecology, by Jonathan M Cahase. This book uses a combination of visual presentations and the symbolic logic of algebra and calculus to provide an accessible introduction to ecological theory. It gives students the basic tools they need to understand the complexities of ecological systems and to analyze simple quantitative ecological problems.

The course consists of 5 seminars. Until each seminar all students read the assigned chapters in the book, and the student with responsibility that week will summarize and lead the discussion on the chapter/those chapters.

Theoretical Ecology 2 – Community Ecology, 3 hp

The course is based around the book An Illustrated Guide to Theoretical Ecology, by Jonathan M Cahase. This book uses a combination of visual presentations and the symbolic logic of algebra and calculus to provide an accessible introduction to ecological theory. It gives students the basic tools they need to understand the complexities of ecological systems and to analyze simple quantitative ecological problems.

The course consists of 5 seminars. Until each seminar all students read the assigned chapters in the book, and the student with responsibility that week will summarize and lead the discussion on the chapter/those chapters.

NKID75 Modelling of Biological Systems, 9 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

NKID74 Population Ecology: Theories and Applications, 7,5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM09 Advanced bioinformatics, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Group theory in physics, 6 hp

Course Description

The course will give an avenue of the application of group theory in physics.

There will be 12-14 lectures in a form of 2 hour seminars or lectures depending on the participants. The course will start with abstract groups and representation theory. Then
we will discuss finite and continous groups in the quantum mechanics of atoms, molecules and solids.

The last lecture will focus on spacetime symmetries and symmetries in particle physics.

Course Books

  1. Group theory and Quantum Mechanics by Michael Tinkham
  2. Group theory in Physics – A Practicioner’s Guide by by Rutwig Campoamor Stursberg and Michel Rausch de Traubenberg

Schedule of the course

2023-10-01 until 2023-12-22

TFYA36 Chaos and non-linear physics, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Chemistry courses

NMR relaxation studies of protein dynamics, 6 hp

Teacher: Alexandra Ahler:

The graduate course in "NMR relaxation studies of protein dynamics”, Feb-May 2023, 6hp, will be given at the chemistry department by Alexandra Ahler.

The course is theoretical and practical and are aimed for PhD students with their own structural biology project suitable for protein dynamics. The students need to have a basic understanding of NMR spectroscopy in use to study proteins and structural biology background as well as the knowledge of how and means to express and purify their own sample for the practical parts of the course.

6FIFM90 R programming for environmental analytical chemistry, 6 hp 

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

TFKE46 Protein Chemistry, 6 hp

TFKE35 Biostructural Technologies, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Advanced Organic Chemistry, 15 hp

Total Synthesis of Bio-active Molecules, 10 hp

NKED26 Molecular Synthesis, 6 hp

NKED82 Biomolecular Design, 6 hp

Green Chemistry, 6 hp

PhD chemistry seminar series, 3 hp

The scope of the course is to enable PhD students in different subclasses of chemistry to put their own science into a broader perspective and to discuss science from a field of chemistry that is more distant from their own research questions. The purpose of the Chemistry seminars is to get to the core of the science performed at the chemistry department and to give opportunity for discussion in depth. 

The Chemistry seminar series is open for anyone to attend but the speakers are mainly researchers at the chemistry department at IFM, Linköping university and invitation is directed towards the Chemistry department. We have in total 8 seminars per year. At each occasion we have two presentations. The first presentation will be given by a PhD student or postdoc, the second presentation will be given by a senior/PI. The aim is that the two presentations at one seminar should be from different fields/research groups within the chemistry department. The presentation should be 15 minutes and then 5 minutes for questions. The material presented can either be an introduction to a project that is about to get started, preliminary data from “work in progress” or a completed paper. You can also present a procedure or technique that you think more people at the department should learn and benefit from. 

The outline of the talk should resemble that of a Journal paper. Start with an introduction to let the audience know why your work is important. Present your data at a level that is comprehensive to members of your own group and to the groups interested/experts in your field.  Discuss your data and provide some concluding remarks.  Perhaps you want to tell the audience what the future plans for the project are. Finally, leave the paper open for discussion. 
PhD students are encouraged to ask questions to both senior and junior presenters. Attendees that are not PhD students (or temporary guests at the seminar) are asked to save their questions for after the seminar.

To be credited 3 hp, the PhD candidate shall attend 75% of the seminars during the 4 years of PhD studies and give a presentation on at least one occasion. Some will be lucky enough to be given two opportunities to present their work.

The seminars take place 8 times a year, normally first Monday of the months February, March, April, May, September, October, November, December.

Examiner: Sofie Nyström

6FIFM42 TFKE48 Biomolecular Disease Processes, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

TFKE37 Biological Measurement, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

NKED22 Chemical Bonding, 6 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

Biology courses

NBID77 Ecological Appl. in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 7,5 hp

NBID78 Case studies in conservation and sustainable development, 7,5 hp

NBID60 Zoo Biology, 7,5 hp

NBID61 Primate Ethology, 9 hp

NBID54 Behavioral Neurobiology, 7,5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

NBID73 Methods in Ecology, 7,5 hp

NBID70 Stress and Animal Welfare, 7,5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

NBIB71 Applied Ethology, 7,5 hp

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

6FIFM91 Behaviour Genetics

For course description, syllabus and literature, please see course page at

PhD Seminar Series, 10 hp

PhD- seminar series course joint for Biology and Theoretical Biology 10 ECTS 

All PhD students in Theoretical Biology, jointly with the students from Biology, should attend the PhD seminar series in order to acquire an overview of the research field of biology and to actively participate in the seminar series for PhD students. Active participation consists of presenting one’s own seminar each academic year as well as actively engaging in other seminars. Completion of the seminar series gives 10 ECTS (5 ECTS for Degree of Licentiate).