Clinical Training Centre (CLIN)

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences has a common training and simulation center where students are given ample opportunities to practice clinical skills in a safe environment. At Clinicum students can practice anything from taking blood pressure to handling a simulated patient in a fully equipped emergency room.

Clinicum was inaugurated in September 2008 and is used by students from all different programs: Medicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Speech pathology and the lab facilities are also used by Biomedicine.

Clinicum works in close collaboration with the main health care provider in order to establish a process of life-long learning and improving patient safety.

Development and research

Clinicum work closely together with teachers, health care professionals and researchers from Medical and Health Education Sciences to develop high quality and innovative ways to teach and learn practical and clinical skills.

Focus areas for development and research

  • clinical skills
  • procedural skills
  • professional and inter-professional teamwork (IPL)
  • scenario-training/simulation with mannequins
  • simulated patients for skills training
  • virtual laboratories
  • virtual patients and other web-based applications
  • visualization of anatomy and physiology

Advanced possibilites to practice clinical skills 

Address and opening hours

Clinicum Linköping

Campus US, entrance 53 och 54, floor 12. Patologen, entrance 69, floor 9 and 11.

Postal address:
Linköpings universitetet
Medicinska fakulteten, Clinicum
581 83 Linköping, Sweden

Clinicum Norrköping

Campus Norrköping Kåkenhus, Bredgatan 33, entrance 4 and 5.

Postal address:
Linköpings universitetet
Medicinska fakulteten, Clinicum
581 83 Linköping, Sweden

Opening hours

Opening hours Linköping: 07:00–22:00
Opening hours Norrköping:
Mon–fri 7:30–21:00,
Sat–Sun 7:30–17:00 Keycard required

