The project ‘Ageing in a Changing Society’ provides an infrastructure for life course research data and analyses of the life courses and living conditions of 50+ population in Sweden. Moreover, it facilitates later life projections for a variety of birth cohorts with a focus on quality of life.
Ageing in a Changing Society
An infrastructure for research data, life course analyses and future projections for later life with an emphasis disadvantage, exclusion and inequality are at the heart of the project.
About the project
The project ‘Ageing in a Changing Society’ establishes an infrastructure for life course research data based on Swedish registry data from SCB and the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare from 1990 onwards.
On this basis it analyses life courses and living conditions of the Swedish 50+ population with the aim of facilitating future projections of late life courses and living conditions over the next 10 years for various birth cohorts, that are approaching stages of late life. This research programme aims to expand the boundaries of knowledge about ageing by including the influence of previous lives and the changing social structures, economic resources and living contexts of ageing people.
The analyses will focus on quality of life with a special emphasis on risk factors for disadvantage, exclusion and inequality.