Multi-sectoral responses to child abuse and neglect in Europe (Euro-CAN)

Logotype Euro-CanMulti-Sectoral Responses to Child Abuse and Neglect in Europe (Euro-CAN) is a COST Action network project with participants from a majority of European countries. 

In Europe, millions of children experience abuse or neglect at the hands of those who should care for them. Yet, how many of these children get help, which services they receive by which agency remains largely unknown. Moreover, countries are hardly aware which maltreatment turns fatal. This constitutes a major knowledge gap that is likely due to inconsistent ways of surveying and reporting on child maltreatment services across Europe. Without this information, we cannot know how the systems work, what additional preventive efforts are required, if the interventions fit the victims’ needs or if the most vulnerable groups are properly identified.

The proposed project addresses this gap by creating a network of experts in child maltreatment and relevant stakeholders and links them in working groups, in order to promote the development of a rigorous, consistent, and comparable methodology for the collection of surveillance data on child maltreatment and maltreatment-related fatalities. Researchers, policymakers, administrators and practitioners will identify best-practice methods of surveillance and recommend efficient ways of implementing them across Europe.

Euro-CAN Training school, september 2024 - Applications are closed

We are pleased to announce the upcoming Euro-CAN Training School, scheduled for September 9-11, 2024, in Warsaw, Poland. This hybrid training event will focus on enhancing our understanding and methodologies concerning data on agency responses to child maltreatment, aligned with Euro-CAN COST Action 19106's objectives. Applications are closed.

Goals of the Training School:

The training will delve into various tools and models for analyzing data on agency responses to child maltreatment. It aims to bridge the gap between research, practice, and policy, building upon the initiatives of Euro-CAN’s five working groups throughout our four-year funding period.

Training Structure:

The onsite program will span 2.5 days, featuring five content modules of two hours each, complemented by networking opportunities and personalized trainer-trainee interactions. Each module will include expert presentations followed by interactive discussions, focusing on both theoretical frameworks and practical challenges in child protection research.

Participant Eligibility and Selection:

We are accommodating 18 onsite trainees with provisions for travel and accommodations, plus an additional 5 local participants. Prospective attendees should ideally be early-career researchers from COST full member countries or near-neighboring countries, with a selection process prioritizing a fair country and gender representation. The application deadline is June 10, 2024, via the provided Google Forms link.

Key Speakers and Sessions:

Dr. Gabriel Otterman and Dr. Ulugbek Nurmatov - Child maltreatment definitions and normative guidelines
Dr. Laura Cowley - Accessing administrative data on child maltreatment
Dr. Sinem Cankardaş - The impact of COVID-19 on child protection.
Prof. Dr. Laura Korhonen and Dr. Ravit Alfandari - Increasing participation in epidemiological research on child maltreatment.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Jud - Mastering the challenges in disseminating your child protection research.

More information including a workshop schedule in the agenda. 

Call for network activities

Euro-CANCOST ACTION (CA 19106) - call for applications

Reminder: There are still opportunities to submit your application for a Networking Activity!

The call for applications for Networking Activities (STSMs, Virtual Mobilities, ITC and Conference Dissemination) for the fourth grant period (01.11.2023. – 31.10.2024.) is open.
If you are interested to visit an institution in another country do scientific or innovation work regarding the objectives of EURO-CAN or to disseminate Euro-CAN Action’s results, check the requirements and application procedure.

For more information on COST Networking Activities please see COST Annotated Rules here.

Euro-CAN (CA19106) Call for STSM, Virtual Mobility, ICT & Conference Dissemination Applications

Fourth Grant Period, 1 November 2023 – 31 October 2024


Example of Euro-CAN outcomes

Book cover Participatory Research on Child Maltreatment with Children and Adult Survivors

Participatory Research on Child Maltreatment with Children and Adult Survivors

We are glad to announce that the working group 3 book Participatory Research on Child Maltreatment with Children and Adult Survivors edited by Maria Roth, Ravit Alfandari and Gemma Crous has been published.

You can download the book here

Front page of an scientific aricle

Clinical care of childhood sexual abuse: a systematic review andcritical appraisal of guidelines from European countries  

Only half of 34 surveyed European countries have national guidelines on how to provide clinical care and treatment to children who have experienced sexual abuse. This finding was revealed in a study led by researchers från Euro-Can.

Read the article in The Lancet Regional health here

Overview summary sheet

Comparative analysis of major classifications and definitions of child maltreatment

There is a lack of uniform, consensus-based definitions of child maltreatment, both within and across sectors and countries. This hinders attempts at consistent measurement of child maltreatment. Aim: to identify discrepancies and similarities contributing to consensus building.

Download the summary sheet here (PDF)

Presentations from ISPCAN 2022


Material and slides from MC Meeting and workshops at the Euro-CAN meeting in Tallin, Estonia


A pair of friends Photo credit Flashpop

  • Establish the bases for ultimately mapping and evaluating agency responses to child maltreatment across European countries and across different health and social protection systems.
  • Create an open, interdisciplinary network for practitioners, researchers, survivors, administrators and policymakers.
  • Compile knowledge on national data collection efforts and document changes in national and pan-European legislation and policy related to CMS.
  • Support policymakers and researchers in improving comparability of data collection between (disciplinary) sectors of the child protection system and across countries.
  • Focus on the main capacity-building goal of advocating for and implementing an evidence base for national policies to combat child maltreatment.


Action leadership positions

Action Chair

Prof Andreas Jud, Germany

Action Vice Chair

Dr Gabriel Otterman, Sweden

WG 1- Definition and operationalisation of child maltreatment

Prof Leonor Bettencourt Rodrigues, Portugal
Dr Ulugbek Nurmatov, United Kingdom

WG2 - Promoting secondary analyses

Prof Catherine Quantin, France
Dr Laura Cowley, United Kingdom

WG 3- Promoting participatory approaches to child maltreatment surveillance

Prof Maria Roth, Romania
Dr Enila Cenko, Albania

WG 4 - Dissemination and multiplication

Ms Joanna Wlodarczyk, Poland

WG 5 - Covid 19

Dr Eva Mora-Theuer, Austria
Dr Chryssa Grylli, Austria

Grant Holder Scientific Representative

Dr Georgios Nikolaidis, Greece

Science Communication Manager

Prof Laura Korhonen, Sweden

STSM Coordinator

Dr Miroslav Rajter, Croatia

ITC Conference Grants Manager

Mr Athanasios Ntinapogias, Greece


Logotype EU Cost ActionCOST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks.

Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond and enable researchers and innovators to grow their ideas in any science and technology field by sharing them with their peers. COST Actions are bottom-up networks with a duration of four years that boost research, innovation and careers.
