1 October, 15.00-17.00 (GMT +2)

At CMHB we want to gather, strengthen, and develop research, teaching, and collaboration with the society around us, within the areas of medical humanities and bioethics. To the launch of CMHB, we have invited a number of engaged scholars for an interesting conversation on contemporary medical humanities and bioethics and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Most welcome!

The launch will take place in Zoom.
Please contact Lisa Guntram lisa.guntram@liu.se for login details.


15.00-15.15 Welcome to launch event. Opening speakers: Vice Chancellor Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, Linköping University, and Prefect Per Gyberg, Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University.

15.15-16.05 International panel: Challenges and opportunities within Medical Humanities and Bioethics. 
The panel consists of:

  • Corinne Saunders, Professor at the Department of English Studies and Co-director of the Institute for Medical Humanities, Durham University. Title of talk: Critical Medical Humanities - In Search of the Hidden.
  • Klaus Høyer, Professor at the Department of Public Health, Copenhagen University. Title of talk: Medical humanities in a Digital Age.
  • Bjørn Hofmann, Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology at Gjøvik and Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Medical Ethics, University of Oslo. Title of talk: Medical humanities and Bioethics versus Biotechnology: David, Goliat, and the Human Psyche.

16.05-16.50 CMHB Panel: Medical Humanities and Bioethics Perspectives on Covid-19.

The panel consists of:

  • Anna Bredström, Associate Professor at the Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Department of Culture and Society, LiU. Title of talk: Ethnic health disparities of Covid-19: Conceptual unclarity and its impact on equal health.
  • Lauren E. La Fauci, Research Fellow at the Department of Thematic Studies: Gender Studies, LiU. Title of talk: “Trust Science”; or, what do the medical humanities have to teach us during Covid-19?
  • Lars Sandman, Professor at the Division of Society and Health, Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences, LiU. Title of talk: Philosophy as a practical tool in the Covid-19 pandemic - opportunities and challenges.

16.50 -17 Wrap-Up and presentation of CMHB Autumn Activities.

About CMBH