
Interested in participating in one of our research studies?

Would you like to participate in a nerve-recording study on pain?

The experiment will be conducted at the University Hospital in Linköping and takes up to 6 hours. During the experiment, electrical activity from individual nerve cells will be recorded – in response to stimuli applied to the skin – using a technique called microneurography.

The inclusion criterion comprises >18-year-old healthy participants. The exclusion criteria comprise neurological or musculoskeletal disorders, skin diseases, diabetes, and pain-relieving or psychoactive medication. A basic understanding of English is expected.

You will receive SEK 200 per hour as compensation (taxable income).

The study is conducted by researchers from the Center for Social and Affective Neuroscience (CSAN), Linköping University.

If you are interested in participating, or want more information, please contact Dorota Persson,

Research studies in which participants must be fluent in Swedish are listed only on the Swedish webpage. You'll find it by switching to the Swedish version at the top right corner.