Hosts: Sandra Gonzalez Basanta, Universidad de Oviedo and Auxi Castillo Soto, Utrecht University

For this colloquium, our objective is to lead a community building session with tips and useful information to stay physically and mentally healthy during our PhD trajectory. As fellow researchers navigating the challenges of our own dissertations, the organisers are committed to creating a participatory and inclusive environment where attendees can learn from one another by sharing strategies related to emotional well-being, time and stress management, as well as tools for maintaining motivation and balance between academic demands and personal life. This 3-hour workshop will encourage open discussion, allowing participants to exchange experiences, express concerns and collectively reflect on the common challenges they face at this stage. If possible, we will involve a specialised psychologist or expert on the area to navigate these topics with. Beyond providing immediate value, the session is designed to promote a lasting support network among young researchers.


Lantsoght, E O. L. Chapter 3: Planning your Time. The A-Z of the PhD Trajectory, Springer Texts in Education, 2018, pp. 27-53.