In situ bioelectronics is a research effort focusing on organic bioelectronics "grown" in and around living cells and tissue, augmenting living tissue with electronic functionality and providing radically new approaches to bioelectronics and therapies for targeted diseases.


Diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) remain one of the greatest challenges in modern healthcare, affecting millions worldwide. From neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s to chronic pain and psychiatric disorders, the need for innovative therapies has never been more urgent.

In the in situ bioelectronics projects, we are pioneering a groundbreaking approach to treatment, combining the power of organic bioelectronics with the precision of modern neuroscience. Conventional implants and electrodes rely on insertion of rigid or semi-rigid devices into tissue, causing mild to serious tissue damage and scarring. By developing electrodes and electronic functionality that are formed in situ, within and around nerve cells and tissue, we aim to bridge the gap between electrical and biochemical therapies, creating new opportunities to treat complex brain disorders.

These projects are highly interdisciplinary, bringing together expertise from bioelectronics device development, materials science, chemistry, advanced imaging, and biology.

What we do

  • Innovative materials: Designing organic molecules that self-assemble and polymerize in the brain to create functional electronic interfaces.

  • Neuropharmacology redefined: Introducing electronic elements to complement traditional biochemical therapies, targeting conditions that resist current treatments.

  • Advanced research models: We use a variety of in vitro and in vivo models to test and refine our technologies.

Our vision

We envision a future where neurodegenerative diseases and CNS disorders can be addressed through seamless integration of electronics and biology. From diagnostic tools to therapeutic interventions, in situ bioelectronics seeks to redefine the limits of what is possible in brain health.

Electrode "cocktails" are injected into neural tissue to form electrodes and electronic function in situ. (Photograph, Thor Balkhed)

Learn more

Learn more

You can read more about in situ bioelectronics in our seminal publication in the journal Science:

Metabolite-induced in vivo fabrication of substrate-free organic bioelectronics
Xenofon Strakosas, Hanne Biesmans, Tobias Abrahamsson, Karin Hellman, Malin Silverå Ejneby, Mary J Donahue, Peter Ekström, Fredrik Ek, Marios Savvakis, Martin Hjort, David Bliman, Mathieu Linares, Caroline Lindholm, Eleni Stavrinidou, Jennifer Y. Gerasimov, Daniel T. Simon, Roger Olsson, Magnus Berggren.
Science 379, 795–802 (2023). doi:10.1126/science.adc9998

You can also find a popular science perspective article accompanying this publication which nicely explains the results and the promise of the technology:

Turning tissues into conducting matter
Sahika Inal. Science 379, 758–759 (2023). doi:10.1126/science.adg4761



Funding for in situ bioelectronics is provided by:

  • The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW)
  • The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
  • The Swedish Research Council
  • The European Research Council
  • The Åke Wiberg Foundation