Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE)

About LOE

The Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE) is a vibrant, international and collaborative research environment of more than 140 scientists, students, and staff. We design and synthesize functional organic materials and hybrid materials, model and characterize their properties and apply them in an array of areas including energy harvesting and storage, catalysis, printed electronics, photonics, bioelectronics and plant bioelectronics. Our activities span the range from fundamental research to commercialization. An important common theme for our research is materials for sustainable technologies and we are active in several large multi-institutional efforts such as the Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC), the Wallenberg Initiative Material Science for Sustainability (WISE), the Digital Cellulose Center (DCC) and Treesearch. LOE is a collaborative research environment emphasizing knowledge and expertise sharing. LOE operates a large open laboratory environment featuring state-of-the-art facilities for synthesis, characterization and fabrication including cleanroom facilities and equipment, as well as access to the Printed Electronics Arena with a full suite of printing and additive manufacturing tools and techniques. At LOE, the graduate training and research activities are conducted in English.


Person in protective gear working with microscope.

Individual cells can be connected to plastic electrodes

Researchers at LiU have succeeded in creating a close connection between individual cells and organic electronics. The study lays the foundation for future treatment of neurological and other diseases with very high precision.

Flexible module generates electricity from heat, or cooling and heating from electricity

Imagine a flexible module capable of converting waste heat into electricity, whether the surface it's attached to is flat or curved. This module can also generate heating or cooling from electricity.

The chemistry lab at Campus Norrköping doubles in size

LiU will soon be opening its expanded chemistry laboratory in Norrköping. 500 new square metres will more than double the first premises opened in 2020.

Latest publications


Pedro Candiotto de Oliveira, Ujwala Ail, Zia Khan, Reverant Crispin, Dan Zhao (2025) Printable Carbon-Based Thermogalvanic Cells Advanced Energy & Sustainability Research, Article 2400428 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Paolo S. Floris, Igor Zozoulenko, Riccardo Rurali (2025) Doping Efficiency of Poly(benzodifurandione) from First Principles The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 129, p. 4354-4357 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Smruti Ranjan Sahoo, Glib Baryshnikov, Hans Agren (2025) Developing Red and Near-Infrared Delayed Fluorescence Emission in Nitrogen-Substituted Donor-Acceptor Polycyclic Hydrocarbon OLED Emitters: A Theoretical Study Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ivan Kozyatnyk, Veronica Benavente, Eva Weidemann, Stina Jansson (2025) Adsorption of organic contaminants of emerging concern using microalgae-derived hydrochars Scientific Reports, Vol. 15, Article 9059 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Xiang Li, Yuan Wang, Glib Baryshnikov, Ihor Sahalianov, Hans Agren, Yuri Tanuma, Zhiyun Zhang, Cheng Qian, Muyu Cong, Tao Yi, Hongwei Wu (2025) A Dynamic Metal-Organic Radical Emission System Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 64, Article e202422009 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jiajun Qin, Jia Zhang, Xianjie Liu, Yu Wang, Heyong Wang, Utkarsh Singh, Yanyan Wang, Haoliang Wang, Tianxiang Hu, Yiqiang Zhan, Yipeng Tang, Bin Hu, Constantin Bach, Carsten Deibel, Wei-Xin Ni, Sergey Simak, Igor Abrikosov, Mats Fahlman, Feng Gao (2025) Surfactant-induced hole concentration enhancement for highly efficient perovskite light-emitting diodes Nature Materials (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jin Shang, Mohsen Mohammadi, Jan Strandberg, Ioannis Petsagkourakis, Jessica Ahlin, Olle Hagel, Yangpeiqi Yi, Lars Herlogsson, Klas Tybrandt (2025) Fully screen printed stretchable liquid metal multilayer circuits using green solvents and scalable water-spray sintering NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS, Vol. 9, Article 19 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Wanpeng Lu, Claudia E. Tait, Gokay Avci, Xiane Li, Agamemnon E. Crumpton, Paul Shao, Catherine M. Aitchison, Fabien Ceugniet, Yuyun Yao, Mark D. Frogley, Donato Decarolis, Nan Yao, Kim E. Jelfs, Iain Mcculloch (2025) Cobalt-Embedded Metal-Covalent Organic Frameworks for CO2 Photoreduction Journal of the American Chemical Society (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Canyan Che, Viktor Gueskine, Martin Sjodin, Alexander Pozhitkov, Liang Yao, Magnus Berggren, Yuguang Ma, Reverant Crispin, Mikhail Vagin (2025) Probing a conducting polymer by proton-coupled electron transfer of biosimilar redox molecules New Journal of Chemistry (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Damien Hughes, Abdelrazek H. Mousa, Chiara Musumeci, Malte Larsson, Muhammad Anwar Shameem, Umut Aydemir, Ludwig Schmiderer, Jonas Larsson, Magnus Berggren, Fredrik Ek, Roger Olsson, Martin Hjort (2025) Lithography-Free Water Stable Conductive Polymer Nanowires Nano Letters (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Work at LOE