Parts of the Library’s collections are held in compact storage in library stacks. The bulk of Valla Library’s book collection is placed in the open stacks on the first floor in Studenthuset. The University Library’s closed stacks – Bokladan – houses older periodicals and books.

Library stacks in Studenthuset

The open stacks in Studenthuset at Campus Valla houses non-fiction books for loan, the collection of school books and teaching material, juvenile literature, parliamentary papers from the Swedish Riksdag and newspapers on microfilm. Journals from the current and preceding year are also available here.

Opening hours

The regular opening hours for the Library stacks in Studenthuset are Mondays to Thursdays 10.00–18.00, Fridays 10.00–14.00, and Saturdays 11.00–14.00.

LiU students and employees with a valid LiU card with PIN can also access the Library stacks during self-service hours Mondays to Fridays 8.00–10.00 am. Read more about self-service hours


Older periodicals and books are kept in the closed stacks in "Bokladan." Once a day requested books are collected from Bokladan and sent to the library to which they have been ordered. By placing a reservation in the library search service UniSearch, you can order a book in Bokladan in the same way you order books from one LiU library to another.

You can also order article copies from periodicals kept in Bokladan.
Use the article request form

Bokladan is open only by agreement. Email us for further details. Visiting address: Kärnhuset, Olaus Magnus väg 48, Linköping.


Library collections in Bokladan

a) SAB collection

  • older books shelved according the SAB Classification System

b) Journals and other periodical material published before 2021
c) Report series from the Institute of Technology at LiU
d) Indices and abstract publications
e) Special collections:

  • AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) papers and conference
    proceedings, 1982–2002 (a donation from Saab), including table of contents.
  • Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

There are exceptions to these guidelines. See the library search service UniSearch for details. Search UniSearch and the periodicals list to see the location of individual titles:

Periodicals list