DDC, the Library's shelving system
The Library’s main book collection is sorted and shelved according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System, DDC. The system was created by the American librarian Melvil Dewey (1851–1931). According to DDC, books are grouped by subject with a numerical code for each subject area.
The library search service UniSearch will tell you where in the library you can find the book, and whether it is available or not:

Books in the "Book Collection" are placed on open shelves, where you can pick up the book you want yourself. In the library search service, the "Call No" shows you which shelf/section to go to. Within each call number section, books are sorted alphabetically by author’s last name or the first word in the book title, which is shown after the Call Number. Under "Library," the information will tell you at which LiU library the book is located.