Nailing or "spikning" in Swedish, is an academic ritual. All PhD theses must be made public by being nailed up no later than three weeks before the public defence. This gives people opportunity to read the thesis in advance, and to be able to pose relevant question during the defence. Before you do this, the Dean approves the printed thesis for nailing.
One of the signed copies is nailed outside C2 in Builing C (or the Library in Kåkenhus) during the semester and no later than three weeks before the defence. The separate page in the theses is published on the web and information about your public defence can be read by anyone interested.
Må spikas!
Well in advance (preferably at least three weeks) before the date of naling you should schedule an appointment with the Dean Johan Ölvander to endorse your thesis with the words ”Må spikas!”. You should have three copies of your thesis with you. Contact faculty coordinator Margareta Johansson,, phone 013-282398 to make the appointment.
Before nailing
• Submit 10 copies to the university library (in the counter at one of our three university libraries). In the case the thesis is not published at LiU E-Press, submit 40 copies of the printed thesis. A digital receipt is given via e-mail on delivery.
• Submit 70 copies to your department. Receipt is given on the delivery.
• Hammers and nails are collected at the Deans Office (TFK), Building D (Linköping), or the Head of the Department ITN (Norrköping).
• Submit at the Deans Office (Linköping) three copies of your thesis (Ask LiU-Tryck to drill holes in the two copies to be signed).
Your department's communications officer is responsible for publishing information about the public defence in the LiU calendar.