Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science and Engineering aims to develop your ability to independently use scientific methodology and conduct research within the academy or the industry.

Green wooden tree with theses dashed on spikes Photo credit Jonathan Pakvis

The Faculty of Science and Engineering offers doctoral studies in many engineering fields but also in physics, chemistry, biology and economics. Doctoral studies are offered at seven of the fourteen departments at Linköping University and are also organised in several graduate schools.

Education concludes with the award of a licentiate degree or a PhD degree. The actual period of study stipulated for a licentiate degree is two years (corresponding to 120 ECTS credits), and for a PhD degree four years (corresponding to 240 ECTS credits).

Almost all of the doctoral students frequently spend 20 percent of their time on their departmental duties, such as teaching in undergraduate courses. Accordingly, a doctoral student who concludes with a licentiate degree spends about two and a half years at the university, and those aiming for a PhD degree are studying five years at doctoral level.

A PhD degree is the highest academic degree awarded in Sweden.

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Subject areas

Doctoral studies in Biology

Provides knowledge in biology, in particular with regard to environmental surveillance, conservation biology, animal welfare, evolution genetics, and domestication processes.

Spot, the robot dog

Doctoral studies in Computer Science

Computer Science is an interdisciplinary subject area, covering everything from basic studies of algorithms, computational processes, and knowledge representation to informatics and computer linguistics.

Students and lego

Doctoral studies in Design

Design is about future opportunities! Our design research covers many different activities, from scientific studies to experiments, often in innovative combinations guided by the desire for in-depth knowledge about the essence of design.

Robotics and Autonomous Systems at Automatic Control and LINK-SIC

Doctoral studies in Electrical Engineering

Doctoral studies in Electrical Engineering aims to train technical licentiates and doctors with the ability to understand and develop methodologies within the field. The industry-oriented approach also adds attractiveness in the job market.

transparent image, place holder

Doctoral studies in Sustainable System Analysis

Sustainable System Analysis incorporates the subjects Energy Systems, and Environmental Technology and Management. We analyse questions from an energy and/or environmental point of view by applying a system perspective on sustainable development.

Linnea Haag drawing on see-through glass wall

Doctoral studies in Industrial Engineering and Management

Research in this field focuses on tomorrow’s competitive companies and organisations. We have a broad interest in business and organisational development processes which help create profitable and sustainable organisations.

transparent image, place holder

Doctoral studies in Infra Informatics

Infra Informatics deals with issues relating to the planning, design, utilisation, management, and analysis of infrastructure and systems for transporting people, goods, and telecommunications.

Physical Chemistry, figure published in J Phys Chem.

Doctoral studies in Chemistry

Chemistry includes four specialisations: Physical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Protein Science.

Two men sitting on chair and looking om whitebord.

Doctoral studies in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is a discipline of engineering sciences based on classical mechanics. In a broader sense, it covers disciplines from product development and design engineering to construction materials and computational mechanics.

Picter of stones in diffrent foramtions

Doctoral studies in Mathematical Sciences

Within mathematical sciences we study questions of a mathematical character, either from a purely theoretical perspective or directed towards practical applications. In either case, the mathematical problem and its properties is the main focus.

Fysikhuset, Campus Valla, Linköping University.

Doctoral studies in Materials Science

Doctoral studies in Materials Science, with a particular link to condensed matter physics and nanotechnology, are focused on experimental activities on materials, including computations and modelling of these materials.

Technical equipment during surgery.

Doctoral studies in Biomedical Engineering Sciences

Biomedical Engineering Sciences is characterised by its interdisciplinary profile, where research and education take place in the scientific field between medicine and technology.

Simulation teoretisk fysik

Doctoral studies in Theory and Modelling in Natural Sciences

Research within this area has a broad scientific profile, sharing a common core of mathematical modelling, numerical methods and computer simulations.

Peter Eriksson

Doctoral studies in Applied Physics

Research in Applied Physics aims to apply the methods, models and approaches of physics in fields such as surface and molecular physics, biotechnology, lab-on-a-chip, organic electronics, self-organising materials, and polymeric and soft materials.

A PhD-student presents her work

Doctoral studies in Visualization technology and methodology

This subject covers data collection and processing, synthesis, and communication by help of sound, vision, and other senses, but also methods and tools useful for these purposes.


Board of PhD Studies

Doctoral studies at Linköping University