The Area of Strength e-Health has the goal to establish LiU/RÖ as a centre of e-Health research and as a centre for expertise on medical-technical co-operation in e-Health, from development to implementation. Collaboration between LiU, RÖ, industry and other partners as well as career development of junior researchers are vital goals of the Area of Strength e-Health.

We normally offer five forms of grants.

General principles

• Submission for the Collaboration grant and the Seed grant closes on 16th September 2024 – ska vara 10th February 2025
• Submission for the International Post doc grant, the Invite a researcher grant, and PhD student grant are open all year
• Submission to be sent to
• Submission should be written in English
• Grant submissions should be uniquely submitted to the Area of Strength e-Health
• Funds may not be used to supplement previously secured funding or toward salary support for a senior researcher who has already research funding.

1. Collaboration grant (up to 500 000 SEK) to be used for new project ideas in e-Health research that are made in collaboration with at least one partner.

This grant aims to increase collaboration between LiU, RÖ, industry, municipality (kommun) or other partners. The grant should be used for a new, not yet commenced and financed project that designs or evaluates e-Health applications or any kind of digitalisation of the delivery of health and welfare. The grant should be used within the period 2025 - 2026.

Applications should include:
- project idea and knowledge gap, research question and aims, methodology, timeline and expected outcome, budget (max 5 pages)
- CV of the main applicant and partners (max 2 pages each)
- Publication list for the main applicant (max 2 pages)
- Description of the partners, and how the grant contributes to collaboration between LiU, RÖ, industry, municipality (kommun) or other partners (Max 2 pages. At least 2 collaboration partners should co-apply. The main applicant counts as one of the partners.)

2. International Post doc grant (outgoing) (up to 500.000 SEK)

This grant aims to give an employee at LiU or RÖ with a PhD and the dissertation done in the last 7 years the opportunity the opportunity to visit a research group or mentor from another international university or other research organization and to spend time (minimum 2 weeks) with the research group or mentor.

Applications should include:
- Application: rationale, detailed plans for the visit, budget (max 2 pages)
- Letter of intent from the research group / mentor to visit stating that the applicant is welcome
- CV of applicant (max 2 pages) and of the host (max 2 pages)
- Publication list of applicant and host (max 2 pages each)

3. Invite a researcher grant (incoming) (up to 500.000 SEK)

This grant aims to give research groups at LiU/RÖ the opportunity to invite a researcher from another university (international or Swedish) to spend time (minimum 2 weeks) with the research group. Junior researchers at LiU/RÖ that apply for this grant (<5 years after dissertation) will be prioritized for funding to bring in invited researchers.

Applications should include:
- Application: rationale, detailed plans for the visit, motivation of contribution of the visit to SRA e-Health, budget (max 2 pages)
- Letter of intent from the person who will visit LiU/RÖ
- CV of applicant and visitor (max 2 pages each)
- Publication list of applicant and visitor (max 2 pages each)

4. Seed grant / Starting grant (up to 200 000 SEK) for new project ideas.

This grant aims to give investigators a better idea of feasibility and directionality of research before applying for more funds from other sources. Non-established researchers without larger grants secured will be prioritized.
The project has to be able to be performed within the grant amount. The grant should be used within the years 2025-2026.

Applications should include:
- Application: project idea incl. research question and aims, methodology, timeline and outcome, budget (max 3 pages)
- CV of applicant (max 2 pages)
- Publication list of applicant (max 2 pages)
- Partners (collaboration RÖ-LiU is preferred)

5. PhD student grant (outgoing) (up to 200 000 SEK)

To support PhD students in their last year with e-Health projects included in their planned thesis to visit an international group (minimum 2 weeks) to plan future collaboration or post doc project.

Applications should include:
- Application: post doc project idea including research question and aims, methodology, timeline and outcome or plan for international visit, budget (max 2 pages)
- CV and publication list of applicant (max 2 pages)
- Letter of intent from the research group / mentor to visit stating that the applicant is welcome


All grant proposals will be reviewed by 2 reviewers from our international advisory board whereafter the e-Health steering group takes a final decision based upon the review (and thereby scientific quality of the proposal) weighing in the aim and priority of the strategic area.

Strategic Research Area e-Health