You can make an interlibrary loan request for material that you need for your studies or your research, if the material isn't already in the library collections. You can also submit a purchase request.

You can use this service if you belong to one of the following user categories:

  • Student at LiU
  • Employee at LiU
  • Student at another university and, at the same time, registered user at Linköping University Library

Interlibrary loan prices

See the library pricelist for current fees:


How to make a request

This is how you submit a purchase suggestion or an interlibrary loan request:

  1. Check first if the material is already available at Linköping University Library, in the library's search service UniSearch. It might also be worth to look for the material elsewhere (e.g. Google), since, in some cases, the material is freely available online.
  2. When you have verified that the material isn't already available, please use one of the forms linked to below to fill in and send your request.

Request books and articles

More about interlibrary loans

Where do I collect a book on interlibrary loan?

When you have received a notification via email that the book has arrived, you are welcome to come and pick it up at the library enquiry desk. Let the library staff know that you have an interlibrary loan to pick up, and they will check it out to you.

Where do I collect an article copy that I have requested?

As a student, you pick up your article copies at the library enquiry desk. 

If you are employed at LiU, article copies are delivered to your office post box on campus. When you submit your request, you can also specify that you want the item to be delivered to your home address.

How can I renew an interlibrary loan?

Library books on loan are renewed automatically when the loan period expires, unless there is a reservation for the item. The same applies to interlibrary loans, although it is always the library that owns the book that decides the loan period. As a rule, you can keep your interlibrary loan until you receive a notification via email that says you need to return it.

What is Get It Now?

Get It Now is a service available to LiU employees for accessing some articles not available via the library’s databases. When you order via Get It Now, the article is delivered as a PDF via email.

  • Search for an article in UniSearch or one of the other library search services
  • Click on ”LiU Full Text”
  • Select "Request document from Get It Now"
  • The document is delivered within an hour or so to your LiU email.

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