Chemistry includes four specialisations: Physical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Protein Science.

Fysikalisk kemi, bild publicerad i J Phys Chem.

The education at doctoral level in Chemistry gives you the ability to conduct research work independently and provides in-depth knowledge and skills in this field. The applications of this research's applications are focused on issues within biology, physics, materials science and medicine.

Chemistry as a science is distinctly interdisciplinary, and this is also reflected in chemistry research.

The focus on chemical biology is a significant development in postgraduate education. Chemical biology enables chemical experiments directly in living cells. Several specialisations are joining forces in this field, mainly protein science and organic chemistry with cell biological expertise.

Within the physical and materials chemistry research areas, there is a substantial and active collaboration with research and postgraduate education in materials sciences as well as theoretical physics and chemistry.

Study syllabus


Doctoral studies at Linköping University