As of 1 January 2016, the Division of Health, Activity and Care (HAV) at the Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV) has split into the Division of Occupational Therapy (AT) and the Division of Nursing (OMV/ISV). 

The main reason for restructuring is that both first and third-cycle occupational and nursing programmes have expanded in recent years. When Åsa Larsson Ranada started as head of the division in summer 2008, she had a 42-person staff, as opposed to almost 80 at the beginning of 2016. Dr Ranada says that future heads of the divisions will face additional duties, including salary reviews, that larger staffs will make even more difficult.

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HAV was split along the lines of the first-cycle Occupational Therapy and Nursing programme. However, the third-cycle programme will retain its joint structure with a director of studies (FUS) and administrator. The structure goes along with the new FUS organisation, with one FUS per faculty. The seminar for occupational therapy and nursing will remain unchanged.

  • Division of Occupational Therapy (AT)

    Head of Division: Åsa Larsson Ranada
    Director of Studies: Ghassan Mourad
    Division and educational administration support: Tara Asadi
    Research administration support: Niclas Silfverhammar

    Division of Nursing Science (OMV/ISV)

    Head of Division: Evalotte Mörelius
    Director of Studies: Susanne Roos
    Divsion and research administration support: Niclas Silfverhammar
    Educational administration support: Mirella Jormelin och Marie Martinell Wirdeland

    Third-cycle director of studies at both divisions: Gunilla Liedberg

    Both degree programmes will also see certain changes. As of 1 January 2016, Mathilda Björk is the new coordinator of the Occupational Therapy programme. Margareta Karlsson will leave her post as coordinator of the Nursing programme once her successor has been appointed.

    No other significant changes are being planned. Nobody will need to switch offices, except for Dr Mörelius, who will move to level 6 closer to the division coordinators, administrators and director of studies.

    Åsa Larsson Ranada

    Dr Ranada, who was head of HAV, is in charge of the new Division of Occupational Therapy, where she will have the opportunity to participate more fully in teaching and research activities.

    – I am looking forward to working with Mathilda as the new programme coordinator while cooperating more closely with the staff, given that it will be smaller.

    She is happy that Dr Mourad will be staying on as director of studies for occupational therapy though affiliated with the Division of Nursing.

    – I am also thrilled by the opportunity to spend more time teaching again. I got off to a flying start in the spring when I became coordinator for semester 4 courses of the Occupational Therapy programme.

    Evalotte Mörelius

    Dr Mörelius, who recently returned from Singapore, is the new head of the Division of Nursing (OMV/ISV).

    She is also affiliated with the Specialist Nursing programme with a specialisation in paediatric and adolescent health, as well as continuing to conduct research and supervise doctoral students and others who are working on independent projects.

    – I am excited by the prospect of directing the new Division of Nursing at ISV. My hope is that we will be able to create an atmosphere of both low stress and high productivity.

    She is a specialist nurse in paediatric and adolescent care with particular experience at neonatal intensive wards. She was chair of the Swedish Association of Paediatric Nurses in 2008-2013.

    – I arrived at Linköping University in autumn 2008 and begin working with my colleagues to develop the Specialist Nursing programme with a specialisation in paediatric and adolescent health.

    The primary aim of her research is to examine the stress to which children are exposed and how they react to it, along with evaluating care methods that have potential to prevent and relieve it. Most of her studies are based on neonatal intensive care and preterm infants, who are particularly vulnerable and sensitive to stress.

    What were you doing in Singapore?

    – I came home on 6 January 2016 after having been at the National University of Singapore (NUS) on a STINT scholarship.

    NUS ranked first among Asian universities in 2015. In autumn semester 2015, she was at the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. 
