The Machine Learning Research Group at IDA invites to the research seminar series "IDA Machine Learning Seminars".

Machine learning is a field of study at the intersection of statistics, artificial intelligence and computer science.

The IDA Machine Learning Seminars is a series of research presentations given by nationally and internationally recognized researchers in the field of machine learning.

Past speakers include world leading researchers such as Prof David Blei (Columbia University, NY), Prof Max Welling (University of Amsterdam), and Prof Neil Lawrence (University of Cambridge), to mention a few.

The seminars are typically held every fourth Wednesday at 15.15-16.15 in Ada Lovelace, building B, Campus Valla, Linköping.

  • Please see this page for a list of upcoming and past seminars.
  • You can subscribe to the email list used for announcing upcoming seminars here.
  • You can subscribe to the seminar series’ calendar using this ics link.

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