
Fredrik Lindsten

Senior Associate Professor, Head of Division

I am developing tools that can be used to extract valuable information from complex data sets. I am particularly interested in methods that can quantify and enable reasoning about the uncertainty associated with essentially all data.


I'm a Senior Associate Professor in machine learning and Head of the Division of Statistics and Machine Learning. I am interested in the interplay between statistics and machine learning, in particular how statistical methodology can be used to quantify and reason about the uncertainties in the predictions and decisions made by machine learning systems.

My research interests span a wide range of topics in statistical machine learning, including approximate Bayesian inference, representation learning, graph-based machine learning, and spatio-temporal models. Most of my research is related to (generic) method development, and probabilistic modeling and uncertainty quantification are two common denominators. Together with my team, I also work on a range of different applications of machine learning, such as weather forecasting, materials science, biochemistry, and applications in the automotive industry.

For more information about my background and my research, please visit my external page.



Hariprasath Govindarajan, Per Sidén, Jacob Roll, Fredrik Lindsten (2024) On Partial Prototype Collapse in the DINO Family of Self-Supervised Methods 35th British Machine Vision Conference 2024, Glasgow, UK, November 25-28, 2024 (Conference paper)
Patrick E. Konold, Leonardo Monrroy, Alfredo Bellisario, Diogo Filipe, Patrick Adams, Roberto Alvarez, Richard Bean, Johan Bielecki, Szabolcs Bodizs, Gabriel Ducrocq, Helmut Grubmueller, Richard A. Kirian, Marco Kloos, Jayanath C. P. Koliyadu, Faisal H. M. Koua, Taru Larkiala, Romain Letrun, Fredrik Lindsten, Michael Maihöfer, Andrew V. Martin, Petra Meszaros, Jennifer Mutisya, Amke Nimmrich, Kenta Okamoto, Adam Round, Tokushi Sato, Joana Valerio, Daniel Westphal, August Wollter, Tej Varma Yenupuri, Tong You, Filipe Maia, Sebastian Westenhoff (2024) Microsecond time-resolved X-ray scattering by utilizing MHz repetition rate at second-generation XFELs Nature Methods, Vol. 21, p. 1608-1611 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Amanda Olmin, Jakob Lindqvist, Lennart Svensson, Fredrik Lindsten (2024) On the connection between Noise-Contrastive Estimation and Contrastive Divergence INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND STATISTICS, VOL 238, p. 3016-3024 (Conference paper)
Filip Ekström Kelvinius, Fredrik Lindsten (2024) Discriminator Guidance for Autoregressive Diffusion Models Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, p. 3403-3411 (Conference paper)
Amirhossein Ahmadian, Yifan Ding, Gabriel Eilertsen, Fredrik Lindsten (2024) Unsupervised Novelty Detection in Pretrained Representation Space with Locally Adapted Likelihood Ratio International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2024, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (Conference paper)



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