The Division of Statistics and Machine Learning (STIMA)

The Division of Statistics and Machine Learning is part of the Department of Computer and Information Science. The research and teaching activities at the division are focused on modern data analysis. 


STIMA is a division of Statistics and Machine Learning that belongs to a department of computer science. This fact makes us unique in Sweden, and we like to view ourselves as Sweden's most modern division of statistics with a clear focus on state-of-the-art data analysis, prediction and decision making in complex systems.

We are engaged in basic methodological research, motivated by a wide range of problems in areas that span from journalism and psychology to genetics and robotics.


The division hosts the unique bachelor's programme Statistics and Data Analysis and the international master's programme Statistics and Machine Learning.

We are responsible for the course in machine learning taught at the engineering programmes at Linköping University, as well as the PhD study programme in Statistics.

Seminar series at STIMA

News at STIMA

News and major articles

Innovative idea for more effective cancer treatments rewarded

Lisa Menacher has been awarded the 2024 Christer Gilén Scholarship in statistics and machine learning for her master’s thesis. She utilised machine learning in an effort to make the selection of cancer treatments more effective.

Tomas Landelius and Carolina Natel de Moura.

The focus period resulted in new collaborations for the climate

In the fall of 2024, researchers from around the world once again gathered at Linköping University for ELLIIT's five-week focus period. This time, the goal was to initiate and deepen collaborations in climate research using machine learning.

Participants are listening to a lecture.

Symposium aiming to improve the climate

In the fall of 2024, Linköping University once again hosted ELLIIT's five-week-long focus period. This guest researcher program aimed for greater breadth in interdisciplinarity this year, with the theme of machine learning for climate science.

Research at STIMA

Latest publications


A. K. M. Firoj Mahmud, Dina Gamaleldin Mansour Aly, Yelin Zhao, Mikael Benson, Martin Smelik, Oleg Sysoev, Hui Wang, Xinxiu Li (2025) Proteogenomic analysis reveals Arp 2/3 complex as a common molecular mechanism in high risk pancreatic cysts and pancreatic cancer Scientific Reports, Vol. 15, Article 3902 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ajinkya Gorad, Zheng Zhao, Jose M. Vallet Garcia, Ville Lehtola, Toni Hammarberg, Henrik Ramm-Schmidt, Saiful Islam, Sarang Thombre, Simo Sarkka (2025) Bearing estimation using foghorn sounds Applied Acoustics, Vol. 231, Article 110560 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Joseph Lee Rodgers, Linda Wänström, Siew Ang (2025) Putting the Flynn effect under the microscope: Item-level patterns in NLSYC PIAT-math scores, 1986-2004 Intelligence, Vol. 109, Article 101897 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Krzysztof Bartoszek, Wojciech Bartoszek (2025) Asymptotic Dynamics of Generalized Kantorovich Operators RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS, Vol. 80, Article 39 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Muhammad Usman Akbar, Wuhao Wang, Anders Eklund (2025) Beware of diffusion models for synthesizing medical images - A comparison with GANs in terms of memorizing brain MRI and chest x-ray images Machine Learning: Science and Technology (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Iulian Emil Tampu, Tamara Bianchessi, Ida Blystad, Peter Lundberg, Per Nyman, Anders Eklund, Neda Haj-Hosseini (2025) Pediatric brain tumor classification using deep learning on MR-images with age fusion Neuro-Oncology Advances, Vol. 7, Article vdae205 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Hariprasath Govindarajan, Per Sidén, Jacob Roll, Fredrik Lindsten (2024) On Partial Prototype Collapse in the DINO Family of Self-Supervised Methods 35th British Machine Vision Conference 2024, Glasgow, UK, November 25-28, 2024 (Conference paper)
Jose M Pena (2024) Alternative Measures of Direct and Indirect Effects INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROBABILISTIC GRAPHICAL MODELS (Conference paper)
Patrick O'Keefe, Graciela Muniz-Terrera, Stacey Voll, Frank D. Mann, Sean Clouston, Linda Wänström, Joseph L. Rodgers, Scott Hofer (2024) Inter-cohort shifts in chronic disease, dementia, and mortality Biodemography and Social Biology, Vol. 69, p. 203-217 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Martin Smelik, Yelin Zhao, Dina Mansour Aly, A. K. M. Firoj Mahmud, Oleg Sysoev, Xinxiu Li, Mikael Benson (2024) Multiomics biomarkers were not superior to clinical variables for pan-cancer screening Communications Medicine, Vol. 4, Article 234 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Teaching - Bachelor and Master's programme

PhD studies

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