What conditions are critical for learners from different professions to achieve shared understandings of simulated events and to accomplish coordinated teamwork?

This study will be coordinated by Linköping University and focus on how professional knowledge is enacted in an interprofessional context. According to Kemmis (2009), professional practice is always constituted, embodied and situated – what particular persons do in particular time and place as meaningful activities. Practice is viewed as the material arrangements (‘set-ups’), words and discourses (‘sayings’), how people act and interact in physical and material space (‘doings’) and finally constituted of the relationships between people (‘relatings’).

This theoretical framing generates the analytical categories to direct our focus to and capture the ways the socio-material arrangements of the simulated scenario enable participants to contribute different professional perspectives in their sayings and doings, and how these, in turn, possibly contribute to the construction of interprofessional knowledge. Other issues are how individuals relate to each other and negotiate diverse knowledge and what aspects of the situation are subject to communication and negotiation. A third focus is how patterns of relationships are established and what patterns of task distribution and accomplishment are emerging in the simulation.

Data analysis on the interprofessional collaboration between health care students (nursing students semester 6 and medical students semester 11) in Study 1 will primarily be carried out within the research team in Linköping, involving collaboration between researchers on learning and teaching staff at Clinicum.


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