Scholars at the Department of Technology and Social Change explore how technology is developed and used in social contexts as well as how technological change affects and is affected by cultural, political and economic processes in society.

Scholarship at Tema T is interdisciplinary and well established in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and includes work in related domains like feminist theory, environmental humanities, medical humanities, posthumanities, studies of everyday life and valuation studies, to name just a few examples.

The introductory course in the doctoral program at Tema T explores a range of theories and methods for studying the interplay between technology and society. Various approaches are discussed and analyzed in terms of their respective commitments and affordances. Other courses in the curriculum focus on themes such as infrastructures, publics of technologies, normativity of research practices, modes of interdisciplinarity. In addition, there is a strong focus on research methods by combining scholarly reflection with hands-on methods experiments. A large number of Tema T staff members contributes to these courses.

Writing lab and professional development sessions

Through the PhD program runs a series of seminars where doctoral students explore writing practices. These writing labs include on-the-spot writing and experiments with voice and point of view. Another series of seminars focusses on professional development, including research ethics.

Embedded in a thriving research culture

Doctoral students are encouraged to participate in one or more of the four seminar series which are an essential part of the research culture at Tema T. In addition to the seminar series Tema T offers, doctoral students get the opportunity to participate in a large number of networks in which Tema T staff is involved: international PhD networks, research networks and network projects at both national and international level. Researchers at Tema T collaborate with colleagues in several countries, mainly in Europe and North America but also in places like Argentina, China, and Singapore, and graduate students are given ample opportunity to network with researchers in other countries and follow part of their studies at universities abroad. In addition, many scholars collaborate extensively with public authorities, providing further opportunity for graduate students to develop their networks, both in Sweden and abroad.

A broad professional future

PhD’s who have completed the Tema T doctoral programme have many opportunities for a future both inside the academy as well as at various research agencies and government bodies. Among others, Tema T PhD’s are active in the areas of energy, environment, health care, urban planning and infrastructure.


How to become a PhD student at Technology and social change

The Higher Education Ordinance specifies that admission to research education is granted to applicants who satisfy both the general and the specific entry requirements for the subject, and who have the capacity to successfully complete the education. The only way to be accepted is to apply for a vacancy via the link below.


Follow the link to see the positions that are currently available - the only way to be accepted as PhD student with us is is to apply for one of these.

Vacancies – PhD student in Technology and Social Change

General entry requirements

The general entry requirements are satisfied by applicants who have at least 240 higher education credits, of which at least 60 must be at advanced level, and by those who have equivalent knowledge in the principal topic of the research education acquired in Sweden or abroad.

An exemption from the general entry requirements can be granted in special circumstances. Specific entry requirements are stated in the study plan for the relevant field of research education.

Employment as a doctoral student

An applicant who satisfies the general and specific entry requirements and who has been assessed to be most suitable of the applicants for the employment is to be offered the post. The employment is for a fixed term, and can be valid until either a licentiate degree (120 credits) or a doctoral degree (240 credits) has been gained.

Employment as a doctoral student may include a maximum of 20% departmental work (such as teaching): the remaining time should be devoted to research education. Research education may be offered to people who are employed elsewhere (known as “industry-based doctoral studies” or “profession-based doctoral studies”). In this case, the education is usually part-time.


Life as PhD student

Doctoral studies at Linköping University