Photo of Jelmer Brüggemann

Jelmer Brüggemann

Associate Professor, Docent

What ideas and assumptions about people govern healthcare systems and organisation? What happens with understandings of the self and the body when people become part of medical practices? How can the social sciences contribute to better healthcare?

The challenge of studying social norms in medical practice

As a medical sociologist, I am interested in using different social science perspectives, and an interdisciplinary approach to study questions around the human in medicine.

Medical development and the conditions of care matter greatly to people’s everyday lives. Therefore, it is important that the social sciences ask questions about how medicine affects people’s bodies, identities, and relationships. Likewise, it is relevant to study how healthcare is shaped by ideas about those bodies, identities, and relationships. I want my research to contribute with critical reflections and to be a reminder about the human in medicine.

I am currently building up a research strand on how active patients shape and are shaped by today’s healthcare. Patients are increasingly urged and given opportunities to engage in their own care, in choosing care providers, and in expressing views on how healthcare should be organised and delivered. Such possibilities change not only the healthcare systems, but also ideas about what patients are, what responsibilities they can and are expected to take, and what becomes good care. The project “What are you complaining about” (funded by the Swedish Research Council 2021-2024) is part of this research strand, and studies care encounters in which patients express critique.

Most of my previous research has been in two major research programmes. In “A constant torment – tracing the discursive contours of the aging prostate” (PI: Prof. Ericka Johnson), I studied masculinity and sexuality in relation to prostate cancer treatment. I wrote my doctoral thesis as part of a research programme on abuse in healthcare (PI: Prof. Barbro Wijma) from the patient perspective, and have carried out several projects with care professionals. In the latter, I have studied drama pedagogical workshops about abuse in healthcare and how they visualise norms, relationships, and ideas about good care in practice.

I have long teaching experience within the medical humanities at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, LiU. My current teaching is part of teacher education, and deals with the theory of science and research methods.

Latest publications


Jelmer Brüggemann, Lisa Guntram, Ann-Charlotte Nedlund (2023) The "Difficult Patient": Dominant Logics and Misfits in Medicine Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health, p. 1-14 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Jelmer Brüggemann, Lisa Guntram, Ann-Charlotte Nedlund (2023) On difficult patients and informal complaints


Jelmer Brüggemann (2021) Redefining masculinity - Men's repair work in the aftermath of prostate cancer treatment Health Sociology Review, Vol. 30, p. 143-156 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Anke Zbikowski, Jelmer Brüggemann, Barbro Wijma, Katarina Swahnberg (2020) Counteracting Abuse in Health Care: Evaluating a One-Year Drama Intervention with Staff in Sweden International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 17, Article 5931 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Barbro Wijma, Alma Persson, Marlene Ockander, Jelmer Brüggemann (2019) Upprepad utsatthet - bakgrund av övergrepp hos kvinnor och män och risken att uppleva kränkningar i vården Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, Vol. 96, p. 499-518 (Article in journal)
Carina Danemalm Jägervall, Jelmer Brüggemann, Ericka Johnson (2019) Gay men's experiences of sexual changes after prostate cancer treatment: a qualitative study in Sweden Scandinavian journal of urology, Vol. 53, p. 40-44 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jelmer Brüggemann, Camilla Forsberg, Robert Thornberg (2019) Re-negotiating agency: patients using comics to reflect upon acting in situations of abuse in health care BMC Health Services Research, Vol. 19, Article 58 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Barbro Wijma, Alma Persson, Marlene Ockander, Jelmer Brüggemann (2019) Kränkningar i vården är vanligt förekommande [Abuse in healthcare - Lessons learned during two decades of research]: Viktigt med aktivt arbete mot att patienter kränks Läkartidningen, p. 1-6 (Article, review/survey)
Jelmer Brüggemann, Alma Persson, Barbro Wijma (2019) Understanding and preventing situations of abuse in health care: Navigation work in a Swedish palliative care setting Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 222, p. 52-58 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Adrianus Jelmer Brüggemann, Camilla Forsberg, Gunnel Colnerud, Barbro Wijma, Robert Thornberg (2019) Bystander passivity in health care and school settings: Moral disengagement, moral distress, and opportunities for moral education Journal of Moral Education, Vol. 48, p. 199-213 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Research projects

CV in short

  • 2020
    Docent – Sociology (Linköping University)
  • 2012
    PhD – Medical science (Linköping University)
  • 2007
    MSc – Science, Technology and Society (Linköping University)
  • 2006
    MA – Applied ethics (Utrecht University, NL)
  • 2005
    MSc – Sociology (Utrecht University, NL)
  • 2004
    BSc – General social sciences (Utrecht University, NL)
  • 2003
    Bachelor – Marketing management (Arnhem Business School, NL)

