
Ahmad Jafarian

Short Biography:

I am a Ph.D. student in Infra Informatics at the Linköping University of Sweden and a Ph.D. student in Supply Chain Management and Information Technology at Rennes school of business (RSB). I completed my MS in Industrial Management (Industrial Production) from the Allameh Tabataba’i University of Iran. My Ph.D. project is Mass evacuation planning in urban areas under the supervision of Professor Tobias Andersson Granberg (LiU) and Professor Reza Farahani Zanjirani (Rennes SB/Chaire Rennes Métropole)

My research interests:

My research interests are mainly related to Sustainable Supply chain management, Disaster management, Mass evacuation, Humanitarian logistics, Circular economy, and Closed-loop supply chain.

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journal:

Jafarian, A., Rabiee, M., Tavana, M. A novel multi-objective co-evolutionary approach for supply chain gap analysis with consideration of uncertainties. International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE). 2020. 228(1). pp: 107852.
Jafarian, A., Asgari, N., Mohri, S., Fatemi, E. and Zanjirani Farahani, R. The inventory-routing problem subject to vehicle failure. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2019. 126(1). pp:254-294.
Govindan, K., Jafarian, A., and Nourbakhsh, V. Designing a sustainable supply chain network integrated with vehicle routing: a comparison of hybrid swarm intelligence metaheuristics. Computers and Operation Research (C&OR).
2019, 110(1), pp: 220-235.
Govindan, K., Jafarian, A., and Nourbakhsh, V. Bi-objective integrating sustainable order allocation and sustainable supply chain network strategic design with stochastic demand using a novel robust hybrid multi-objective metaheuristic, Computers and Operation Research (C&OR).2015. 62(1).112-130.
Devika, K., Jafarian, A. and Nourbakhsh, V. Designing a sustainable closed-loop supply chain network based on triple bottom line approach: A comparison of metaheuristics hybridization techniques. European Journal of Operation Research (EJOR). 2014, 235(3), 594-615.



Ahmad Jafarian, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Reza Zanjirani Farahani (2025) The effect of geographic risk factors on disaster mass evacuation strategies: A smart hybrid optimization Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 193, Article 103825 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI