
Alexander Gillett

Assistant Professor

Ultrafast laser spectroscopy on organic semiconductor materials. Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2023.


Dr Alexander Gillett leads a research group at Linköping University that focuses on the ultrafast optical spectroscopy of organic semiconductor materials. He started as an Assistant Professor in Linköping in 2024.

Before working at Linköping University, Alexander Gillett was a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Cambridge from 2022 – 2024. He received his PhD degree from the University of Cambridge under the Supervision of Prof. Sir Richard Friend in 2019 and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the same group from 2019 – 2022.


Dr Gillett’s group uses ultrafast optical spectroscopy techniques, such as transient absorption and photoluminescence, to understand the fundamental photophysical processes underpinning the use of organic semiconductors in optoelectronic devices. This is enabled by a state-of-the-art laser spectroscopy lab, including: femtosecond and nanosecond laser sources, three optical parametric amplifiers for pulse generation from the UV to mid-infrared, non-colinear optical parametric amplifiers (NOPAs) for ultrashort pulse generation (<10 fs), visible and mid-infrared transient absorption setups with the option for 3-pulse ‘pump-push-probe’ measurements, a quantum cascade laser (tuneable from 1900 – 750 cm-1), and an intensified CCD camera for transient photoluminescence measurements. Using this experimental infrastructure, they hope to link fundamental science of these materials to their applications, providing design rules for developing more efficient photovoltaic and LED technologies. Current research topics in the group include:

The photophysics of organic photovoltaics:

Nature (2021)

Advanced Energy Materials (2022)

Advanced Energy Materials (2023)

Materials Today (2024)

Understanding the material degradation mechanisms in organic photovoltaics:

Joule (2023)

Energy & Environmental Science (2023)

Spin-triplet excited states in organic LEDs:

Nature Photonics (2020)

Nature Materials (2022)

Nature Communications (2022)

Nature Materials (2024)

Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2024)

Advanced Materials (2024)

The fundamental physics of organic semiconductors:

Nature Communications (2021)

Nature Chemistry (2024)

Nature (2024)

See the full list of publications at Google Scholar.




Antti‐Pekka M. Reponen, Giacomo Londi, Campbell S. B. Matthews, Yoann Olivier, Alexander S. Romanov, Neil C. Greenham, Alexander J. Gillett (2024) Understanding Spin‐Triplet Excited States in Carbene‐Metal‐Amides Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 63 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Dongyang Chen, Junyi Gong, Jeannine Grüne, Tomas Matulaitis, Alexander J. Gillett, Xiao‐Hong Zhang, Ifor D.W. Samuel, Graham A. Turnbull, Eli Zysman‐Colman (2024) Tetra‐Donor Pyrazine Based Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters for Electroluminescence and Amplified Spontaneous Emission Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 34 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jeroen Royakkers, Hanbo Yang, Alexander J. Gillett, Flurin Eisner, Pratyush Ghosh, Daniel G. Congrave, Mohammed Azzouzi, Zahra Andaji-Garmaroudi, Anastasia Leventis, Akshay Rao, Jarvist Moore Frost, Jenny Nelson, Hugo Bronstein (2024) Synthesis of model heterojunction interfaces reveals molecular-configuration-dependent photoinduced charge transfer Nature Chemistry, Vol. 16, p. 1453-1461 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Hwan-Hee Cho, Daniel G. Congrave, Alexander J. Gillett, Stephanie Montanaro, Haydn E. Francis, Víctor Riesgo-Gonzalez, Junzhi Ye, Rituparno Chowdury, Weixuan Zeng, Marc K. Etherington, Jeroen Royakkers, Oliver Millington, Andrew D. Bond, Felix Plasser, Jarvist M. Frost, Clare P. Grey, Akshay Rao, Richard H. Friend, Neil C. Greenham, Hugo Bronstein (2024) Suppression of Dexter transfer by covalent encapsulation for efficient matrix-free narrowband deep blue hyperfluorescent OLEDs Nature Materials, Vol. 23, p. 519-526 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
James C Blakesley, Ruy S Bonilla, Marina Freitag, Alex M Ganose, Nicola Gasparini, Pascal Kaienburg, George Koutsourakis, Jonathan D Major, Jenny Nelson, Nakita K Noel, Bart Roose, Jae Sung Yun, Simon Aliwell, Pietro P Altermatt, Tayebeh Ameri, Virgil Andrei, Ardalan Armin, Diego Bagnis, Jenny Baker, Hamish Beath, Mathieu Bellanger, Philippe Berrouard, Jochen Blumberger, Stuart A Boden, Hugo Bronstein, Matthew J Carnie, Chris Case, Fernando A Castro, Yi-Ming Chang, Elmer Chao, Tracey M Clarke, Graeme Cooke, Pablo Docampo, Ken Durose, James R Durrant, Marina R Filip, Richard H Friend, Jarvist M Frost, Elizabeth A Gibson, Alexander Gillett, Pooja Goddard, Severin N Habisreutinger, Martin Heeney, Arthur D Hendsbee, Louise C Hirst, M Saiful Islam, K D G Imalka Jayawardena, Michael B Johnston, Matthias Kauer, Jeff Kettle (2024) Roadmap on established and emerging photovoltaics for sustainable energy conversion Journal of Physics: Energy, Vol. 6, p. 041501-041501 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
